musescore refuses to exist, even though i know i have it installed. what do i do???????
i was looking for a way to install musescore for raspbian on my raspberry pi 400. i followed the tutorial to install through the command line, and i then installed snap, rebooted, and installed musescore. i then sifted through my applications accessible by the raspberry pi icon in the top left corner. when i didnt find it there, i tried to access through the command line by entering "snap run musescore". it then gave me an error saying musescore has no app named musescore. completely confused, i then looked in /snap/bin and found musescore, but then when i double clicked it it asked me what i wanted to open it with. what do i do??????
you need to give permission for it to be run as a program?
In reply to you need to give permission… by Shoichi
how do i do that? i am new to snap. this is my first installation
In reply to how do i do that? i am new… by petersjohne
I don't know if it works the same way as Mint. Right click->Properties->tab Permissions->flag the box "allow to run as program."
Do you mean with "tutorial" this link: The Snap-package isn't maintained from MuseScore, so maybe you'll get a better answer there.
But why you don't use the AppImage, which is maintained from MuseScore?
In reply to Do you mean with "tutorial"… by kuwitt
i did do the tutorial, but once u mentioned it a download the appimage, but even then it asked me which program i wanted to use to open it.
In reply to i did do the tutorial, but… by petersjohne
By using the AppImage: Did you give the execution permissions, via terminal "chmod u+x" or via right click on the file via a file manager to allow to executing the application as a program? By using the the process via the terminal, be aware about the correct path and the correct name of the file.
In reply to Do you mean with "tutorial"… by kuwitt
i figured out how to change the permissions so i could run the file, but when i dd it gave me a file with no file extension called \ufffdF@@\ufffd\ufffd@8@
In reply to i figured out how to change… by petersjohne
why you don't use the AppImage: ?
In reply to why you don't use the… by Shoichi
The default AppImage is built for x86 chipsets. A raspberry Pi would run an ARM instructions set and thus needs a different AppImage. I believe there is an experimental one for 3.5.x floating around in the forum somewhere.