muted guitar notes

• Apr 28, 2021 - 20:00

Another request, please, for something essential to those writing guitar music: the ability to input a single muted note. Which actually sounds like a muted note when played back.

.... Without all the convoluted workarounds I've been reading in this forum!



I don't know what you consider convoluted, but what you are looking for is easily accomplished via staff text and channel assignment.
1. Add a staff text where desired.
2. Click the properties button in the inspector, or Right click the text.
3. That will open the text properties screen, where you can select the voice and the channel actions.
4. Repeat the process to return to normal sounds.

In reply to by toffle

Hi Toffle, thanks very much for taking the trouble to reply.

I shall try that method, although, yes, to me that is convoluted - at least 5 actions for each time you want to mute an isolated note. (like others I also use Guitar Pro 7, where a muted note is literally one click away. Of course, GP7 is a dedicated guitar program which Musescore isn't.)

Anyway, thanks again.

In reply to by henrymorris

Hi henrymorris,

Many aspects of guitar notation and tablature are tedious and convoluted In various notation applications ... including MuseScore 3. That said I'm really loving Musescore and have not used my other applications (Overture and Dorico) for about 8 months now. So essentially, I'm ALL in for trying to help improve MuseScore with bug reports, suggestions and feature requests.

Now, back to you conundrum.

• create a Staff Text object with properties that afford muted guitar:
copy/paste the "mute" staff text to the various locations where you need mutes.

• create a staff text object that sets the channel back to "open"
paste the "open" staff text object to set note playback to "unmuted"

You can make all those objects invisible by selecting and pressing v. They will appear dimmed on screen and will not render to hard copy.

When you're done you can disable Show Invisibles, and you won't see them onscreen until you reenable Show Invisibles.

Please keep adding your comments. If the community shows enough interest in guitar/tablature notation surely it will improve!


In reply to by scorster

Answered my own question!

I'm surprised that MuseScore 4.2's Guitar Palette does not include the x notehead. And thought I was able to add it to my Guitar Palette, but since string muting is such a common guitar technique it seems logical that MuseScore 4.2 would advertised it in the guitar palette. If it were there would have likely discovered the option without poking around.

In reply to by cadiz1

Bullseye! You found the culprit. I had version 0.5.1.

I found these two related threads by adding "muse sampler" to the search (I did not know about this library):

I was able to fix it by forcing MuseHub to update Muse Studio a couple of times, which finally updated Muse Sampler to 0.6.3 and the playback is now correct!

Thanks for the help

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