How to do this
i would like to put this
it puts rests on both clefs
i don't know if this is possible on musescore
any hints would be appreciated
i would like to put this
it puts rests on both clefs
i don't know if this is possible on musescore
any hints would be appreciated
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In reply to… by Shoichi
thank you!
The rests will have to go there to make the measure be complete.
But you can make the rests invisible. select the rests (all at once, or one at a time) and make them invisible by pressing 'v' or un-tick the "visible" box in the inspector.
In reply to The rests will have to go… by AndreasKågedal
In fact, you don't need cross staff notation in this case. Just put the notes on the staff they belong to and make any unwanted rests invisible. Cross staff notation is only needed if you have notes on different staves that you want to beam together in a single group to get this effect.