Score getting corrupted in the same place every time

• Jul 10, 2021 - 11:48

Hello, all,

I have a score that's getting a bit on the long side as compared to the stuff I usually work with. Gradually, I began to notice that it was getting corrupted once in a while, but I could go to the staff and measure indicated, rewrite that measure, save the file, and all would be well again.

Now, however, I have five corrupted measures, and I can't seem to get the file to save properly.

I'm attaching the file for reference. The corrupted measures are 98, 106, 111, 162 and 170 on the guitar part,

Thanks in advance for your time and attention,




The fix is basically the same for all measures. The dotted quarter rest should be an eighth rest.

Here's measure 106:
(Delete the score parts if you encounter problems, then re-generate after the fix.))

In reply to by Jm6stringer

It shouldn't be a rest at all. There were eighth notes in those places, as well as ligatures. Those measures should be the same as the ones around them.

Also, the problem isn't how to fix the measures. The problem is how to fix them and save the file, without them gaining the same corruption again on reload.

In reply to by McMendes

If you fix the problem completely, it shouldn't reappear - unless you do the same thing again that caused in the first place (and if that happens, let us know - attach the uncorruption version of the score and tell us the steps to corrupt it, then we can investigate and fix it).

So probably your previous attempts at fixing weren't complete enough, they addressed the most obvious outward symptom without fully fixing the source. You could keep trying different variations on the fix (eg, for measure 98, it seems to work to simply turn the bogus dotted quarter rests into an eighth), but frankly, I'd suggest simply deleting those measures then re-entering them as the most likely to really clean it completely.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ok, I've made some progress. I've completely deleted all the corrupted measures first, then re-wrote them all, and it seems the corruption has... migrated. Here's a copy of the file with only measure 112 corrupted this time. Note that I didn't do anything to measure 112.


Ugh, I just noticed. Measure 111 in this version of the file doesn't have what I entered in it. The arpeggio is missing altogether.

Ok, I fixed it. Had to take quite a detour.

Deleted measure 106, saved and closed the file, and on reload, it notified me about that same measure being corrupted. And indeed, there was a dotted quarter note silence on the standard staff, for some reason. Only I couldn't delete it. So I deleted the measure again, saved and closed again, and on reopen, no messages, and the measure was clear. So I rewrote it and saved it and all is well with the file now.

Still, some very strange behavior by Musescore...

In reply to by McMendes

Glad you seem to have it fixed!

I would note that when a file is measure is badly corrupted, it often helps to delete not just that measure, but the one before and after as well, since the deletion may otherwise cause a corruption.

But in your example, at least for the first corrupted measure, it really was as simple as correcting the duration of the rest. This completely fixed the corruption and it remained fixed on save/reload. But I can't vouch for anything else beyond that.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

No, it really wasn't, and no, it really didn't. That was the first thing I tried, before coming to the forum. Fixing the duration of the rest appears to fix the problem, but then re-inputing the notes I actually wanted in there just caused it to resurface.

I really did have to delete, save, close, re-open, re-delete, re-save and re-close. Only then was it actually fixed.

The only reason I'm insisting on this is that there may be an underlying problem somewhere, and this may serve to track it down. Or not. :)

In any case, Musescore remains an awesome program and I intend to keep using it for the foreseeable future, so, thanks to the team for the continuing support and development!

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