Figured bass - help needed with continuation lines

• Sep 6, 2021 - 12:30

I've tried following the instructions in the Handbook:


They are not entirely clear: "Continuation lines are input by adding an '_' (underscore) at the end of the line." End of what line? I thought it might be the same as for melismas in lyrics, but although it appears to work at first, when I move on to the next figure the continuation line shrinks to a dot (see first quaver if bar 1) or vanishes altogether (first four quavers of bar 2):


As this score is just for my own use I can draw them in by hand where I feel I need them, but I'd like to know for future reference how to do it properly.


I don't know much about figured bass, but reading the handbook, it seems to me you need to get the grey, "duration lines" over the numbers to extend to what ever you intend to cover. In the first bar, I guess the line should cover the first two quavers, and in the second bar, it should cover the four initial quavers. Then your continuation lines should work better, according to the handbook.

The page in the handbook which you refer to also describes the duration. Just below where the continuation lines are described.

From the handbook chapter right below the paragraph you linked too:
For extended continuation lines use a double underscore.

In reply to by jeetee

Thank you Jetee, I think I have got it to work now. Enter the figure then Ctrl+4 or whatever to extend the duration as required, Esc, then place the carat after the figure, i.e. at the BEGINNING of the line, then double underscore. It's not ideal - depending on how much I extend the duration the line is either too short, or too long for easy reading, but a white square on top would adjust that. .



The handbook could be clearer, I think - I still can't reproduce its example pictured in my first post above. It's a shame it is not as simple as entering lyrics and melismas!

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