Free Metered Time Signature
Inspired by Dorico. They put an "X" on it. I know you can just create a time signature and make it invisible, but you have to know how many beats are there in that bar and it's not good for 20th / 21st century composers.
Inspired by Dorico. They put an "X" on it. I know you can just create a time signature and make it invisible, but you have to know how many beats are there in that bar and it's not good for 20th / 21st century composers.
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Better use staff properties to disable the display of a time signature, then just write the notes and then use Tools > Measures > Joind selected measures as needed
In reply to Better use staff properties… by Jojo-Schmitz
And/Or insert mode to notate/create whichever long measure you desire.
In reply to Better use staff properties… by Jojo-Schmitz
Agree. Forgot to mention it.