removal of redunant accidentals
I am writing a score with 2 parts on one staff. When the parts have the same pitch and that pitch requires an accidental, I have to put the accidental on both parts, which looks very odd -- even incorrect. Is there any way to obviate the need for the second accidental? (If I delete a sharp, it automatically turns into a natural.)
Help, please!
Mark it invisible?
In reply to Mark it invisible? by jeetee
Oo! How do I do that?
In reply to Oo! How do I do that? by regancrowley
I think I've got it: highlight the accidental, press F8 and untick "visible"! Thank you!
In reply to I think I've got it:… by regancrowley
Or, even easier, just select the accidental and toggle its visibility with keyboard shortcut V.
In reply to Or, even easier, just select… by SteveBlower
Sorry -- I don't know what keyboard shortcut V is.
In reply to Sorry -- I don't know what… by regancrowley
Literally the letter V key - on most US and UK keyboards it's the key between C and B.
In reply to Literally the letter V key -… by underquark
Oh, wow! Thanks!