Guitar Note Slide

• Sep 26, 2016 - 06:16

When I was with a friend we were trying to get a guitar note 'slide' down a note, not go there. is there a way to do that?


It's no explain clearly by now. You talk about the playback? (use a glissando - Arpeggios & Glissandos palette- might be the way, but for the moment, the rendering is not adapted for the guitar).
Or, do you only talk about the displaying? A glissando (after disable playback) may be also the manner. Please join an image of the wished result, it's really the better way to understand quickly your request.

In reply to by cadiz1

Coincidentally, I'm trying to get this going, too. Slide is an articulation on the guitar where it's not plucked (sounds legato), often used to shift positions. The "slide in/out up/down' line-shaped articulation in your image is commonly used in guitar arrangements to indicate this but in musescore they do not play back as such.

Apparently in recent versions, if you choose a glissando between two notes then change the Play style in Inspector(F8) to Portamento, its playback will resemble the closest to an actual slide. To add a glissando, choose the starting note, go to Appegios & Glissandos (Palettes, Advanced Edited) and choose a glissando there.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Pretty much but a normal arpeggio would have string plucks for each note whereas a slide doesn't and therefore the note attack is different. You can model it as an arpeggio with reduced note volume, (except for the first note), or by using a guitar soundfont with less attack. I use the former as it's easier.

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