Adding a Time Signature cancels System Breaks and Repeats

• Oct 21, 2021 - 10:04

I am new to MuS so I could easily be missing something.
I am trying to adjust the (usually minor) errors in conversion from pdf format of some simple scores provided at The conversion process adds system breaks where they occur in the pdf, making it easy to check the mscz and pdf side by side on-screen.
Sometimes the time signature is missing (so 4/4 time is automatically selected), or is incorrect, so I add or replace the time signature using the palette. But doing this immediately cancels all system breaks and repeat signs.
Is there any way to stop this happening? Thank you


Thanks for the quick response. In this case, the bar lines are in the correct position, because the conversion is usually good (for this aspect), so I had not realized they are cancelled and then reinstated. It's a pity, but never mind!

You wrote:
The conversion process adds system breaks where they occur in the pdf, making it easy to check the mscz and pdf side by side on-screen.

Since I can't see whether or not all the system breaks are explicitly set in place on your converted score, try this:
Before you replace the time signature, see if using menu item: Fornat -> Add/Remove System Breaks, then checking the box 'Add system break at end of each system' helps to 'lock' the systems in place. Next, add the time signature and (hopefully) the side by side comparison to the pdf still holds.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks for these suggestions. I tried the last one (from jm6stringer), thus inserting explicit new breaks in the positions of the previous ones; but they looked the same as the previous breaks on screen, and inserting a new time signature removed them all (up until the next time signature).
I attach the pdf file and the converted one without modification, so you can easily reproduce what happened.

In reply to by bmb30

There were enough errors in the import that there is essentially no way it's going to be faster to try to fix them all than to simply re-enter the music from scratch - the latter shouldn't take more than ten minutes.

But, for future reference: yes, changing time signature means the barlines are now in different places, so existing breaks won't make sense anymore. Adding those back is the trivially easy part of editing :-)/

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