Polyrhythm efforts keep hitting a wall
I'm trying to score one drum in 4, and another drum on a different line in 3, but keep running into problems. Although I found your page on working in polyrhythm, I don't want to switch time signatures from one measure to the next. Once I have the 4-and-3 drums, I can add other instruments up above.
I started with one drum line and then needed a second, and ended up reading a lengthy article on exploding. Have the nagging feeling that I've gone down a side road. May need to start over? (I'm on Windows 10)
Can you share a picture of the intended end result?
In reply to Can you share a picture of… by jeetee
In reply to I'll at least start with a… by OkieScore
What we'd need is a picture of the desired result - how you want it to look - and the actual score showing where you are so far in your attempt to get it to look like that.
From the picture of your score, we can't tell what you are trying to achieve, nor can we tell what's going on with the staff or drumset definition. But most certainly you don't need explode to get staves! Just add them normallylike you'd add any other staves, in Edit / Instruments. As for why the bracket, because it's standard for related instrument to be bracketed - woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings, etc.
Right now you have two different time signatures, that's not normally necessary or useful in creating polyrightms, but if you instead of just standard polyrhythms, you also want independent time signatures, then indeed, that's a thing, but you need to set that up before adding the notes. Merely changing the appearance doesn't do it - you (might) want an actual 3/4. See the Handbook section on local time signatures for more info (short answer: use Ctrl when adding to limit to a single staff). but again, without seeing the result you want to end up with, it's hard to know whether you really need 3/4 to accomplish it.
In reply to What we'd need is a picture… by Marc Sabatella
I'm trying to do the local time signature, using Ctrl-drag from the time sig palette. But that change every single staff to 3/4 time; not just the one drum staff I chose. I also encountered an error message about the target measure needing to be blank, but several searches have not revealed the steps to empty out my measures.
I haven't uploaded my score, because all the tinkering has stripped most content.
In reply to I'm trying to do the local… by OkieScore
If you're on a Mac then you'll need to Cmd-drag instead as per https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/time-signatures#local-time-signatur…
As for emptying measures; select them (click first, Shift-click last) and press "Delete" on your keyboard.
In reply to I'm trying to do the local… by OkieScore
Upload the score, anyway, if you want help.
And also your actual score (not a picture) as it currently stands, so we can see if you're on the right track and how to guide you in getting from here to there.
In reply to And also your actual score … by Marc Sabatella
I'm on Windows 10. Shortly before uploading this, I again attempted Ctrl-drag to move the 3/4 time signature onto the snare staff. All that happened (again) was the entire score changed to 3/4 time. So, I did ctrl-Z to revert. The only reason the snare staff now says 3/4 is because of the appearance change.
In reply to I'm on Windows 10. Shortly… by OkieScore
Aha.. I think I figured out what is going wrong for you, and it's not obvious:
Did you perhaps Ctrl+Drag the new time signature onto the existing one? (And thus not onto the measure, check highlighted object when dropping). In that case it also updates all of the time signatures for me (unexpectedly).
If you instead click within the measure and then use Ctrl+Click on the new time signature (way easier than dragging) then you get the "not empty" message. This is caused by your first measure, which consists of 4 quarter rests instead of one full measure rest.
Click on the first rest and Shift+click on the last in that measure and then press "delete", which will replace them with a measure rest again.
Now you can apply the local time signature.
In reply to Aha.. I think I figured out… by jeetee
You are correct! So, here is what I did, based on your suggestion. 1-Select the first measure, 2-Click the Delete key to clear all measure contents, 3-Ctrl-drag the 3/4 time signature onto the measure. It worked!
I wasn't sure that applied to following measures?
...so I selected a group of following measures and repeated these steps. Then switched to note-entry mode and tapped B four times. As hoped, it put only three quarter-notes in the measure, and started the next measure! (new version attached)
Diagnosis: My errors and solutions so far have been very basic. Years ago, I did some work with MuseScore. I think what has happened recently is that the software now looks and behaves much differently.
In reply to You are correct! So, here is… by OkieScore
Logged #326582: Local Time signature not applied when targetted onto the existing time signature for the UX inconsistency