Historical time signatures

• Jan 3, 2022 - 21:56

Hi everyone, Can anyone tell me how to create a time signature which has a cut C AND a 3? I can get an uncut C and 3, or a cut C or 3 on its own, but I can't find any way to get both symbols. It's for a Giulio Caccini song, see image below. Thanks! Lynda Screenshot 2022-01-03 at 15.52.39.png

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2022-01-03 at 15.52.39.png 63.46 KB


Use a combination of symbols plus a time signature? Here I've created a custom time signature "3" which is in 3/2 (you can make it whatever you want). I've added a C and two vertical lines from the Master Palette. If you wanted an exact appearance you could create an image file and paste it on.

Attachment Size
cut3.mscz 2.83 KB

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