copying the notes names

• Jan 11, 2022 - 14:30

Dear all,
please see the attached sheet.
Is there a way to copy only the note names that appear above the staff (I want to have a string of note names that I can use in another program)?
shuki koriski

Attachment Size
shostakovich_waltz_2_Names.mscz 29.86 KB


Yes, you can select and copy them all with very little effort.
But no, you can't paste them into a text editor because it is not plain text, but a collection of staff text elements (which mean nothing to a text editor).

You could try saving as mscx and then do some XML-magic transforms on it; but if you're not familiar with such scripting it'll take you longer than just typing over those notenames.

In reply to by Shuki Koriski

You can't because they are not normal text, it's like each letter is contained its own little box.. As stated, you could save the file as an MSCX. You would then need to extract the letters - I'd use a spreadsheet to remove the unwanted code. The lines that you want look something like this:

text G /text

If you're good with spreadsheets, take at look at the attached starting at line 135. I have highlight a few code blocks in yellow. You'd need to find a way to search for the Stafftext, take the row below it and then copy your letter to a new location. Quicker to write it our manually unless this is something you will be doing regularly.

Attachment Size
temp_extract.xls 181 KB

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