export to MIDI
Eine punktierte halbe C Note wird beim MIDI Export immer als Viertel C Note und 2 Viertel Pausen eportiert.
Das Instrument ist Klavier bzw. Akkordeon.
A dotted half C note is always exported as a quarter C note and 2 quarter rests.
The instrument is piano or accordion.
Attachment | Size |
Mein_erster_Walzer_orginal.pdf | 25.39 KB |
Mein_erster_Walzer_midi.pdf | 25.19 KB |
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In reply to Bitte die MuseScore-Datei… by [DELETED] 1307581
bitteschön hier ist die Datei
mfG Gunter Stark
In reply to bitteschön hier ist die… by Laubenpieper
Score stems from MusaeScore 3.5.2 -> update to 3.6.2, even if that might be unrelated to the issue at hand
In reply to bitteschön hier ist die… by Laubenpieper
A dotted half C note is always exported as a quarter C note and 2 quarter rests.
No, that isn't the case. esp. that always isn't. Not in MuseScore 3.6.2 at least, if I open that score there, export as MIDI, and import it back, it does turn the dotted half notes into a quarter note (plus 2 quarter rests) in measure 1, 9 and 15, but gets it right in measures 2-8 and 10-14.
And that is because the dotted half notes get 'canceled out' by a note of the same pitch (C4) on the bottom staff on the 2nd beat of these measures.
This is one reason why MIDI is not a good format for exchanging musical data.
Besides: this notation doesn't make musical sense, you can't play a C4 dotted half and 2 C4 quarter notes on a single instrument at the same time, so the MIDI export actually does make perfect sense, resolving that conflict.
In reply to A dotted half C note is… by Jojo-Schmitz
Here is how I solved it.
Hier ist meine Lösung
The reason is likely that there is overlap with the same pitched note from the bottom staff; when exporting MuseScore clips the longer note to the shorter one within a single channel within the same track so all notes remain available.
If it didn't do that, you'd see the bottom staff C-s being eaten by the top staff instead.