Help distinguishing what music symbol this is? Possibly a multi-measure rest?
I'm a self-taught musician (Soprano/Alto/Teno recorder & piano). I have this score that I was entering into MuseScore so I could access it on my iPad. I've never seen this symbol before. I first thought it might be a multi-measure rest. I entered a multi-measure rest in MuseScore but it only gives one bar. In the image the first staff has two, the second staff has 4 and the third staff has 2. I'm not sure if they are multi-measure rests and if they are how to enter those into MuseScore.
Any guidance and help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Double whole notes.
In reply to Double whole note chords. by underquark
Thank you!
In reply to Thank you! by wildernessfamily
As for entering them, choose the duration from the Note Input toolbar or press 8 for the duration twice as long as a whole note. Enter the note pitches then change the appearance of the note in Inspector (Note, Head group Alt. Brevis).
In reply to As for entering them, choose… by underquark
Thank you! WIth your instructions, I was able to do it! Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. Much appreciated!