Persist voltas after jump
Hi! I'm arranging a worship song my father wrote for piano. It has a somewhat complex structure, and I wonder if it is possible to get it to play back correctly in MuseScore.
Here is an example of something that doesn't work like I would like it to:
I would like this to play back as: C B A G A F B A G A D
However, with 'Play repeats' off on the Dal Segno it unrolls to: C B A G A F B A F
And with 'Play repeats' on it unrolls to: C B A G A F B A G A F
I'm particularly confused that it doesn't get to the D in either of the cases. Do you think it's possible to let this play back the way I'd like it to? If so, and you let me know, then I'll have another look at the actual score I'm making. ;)
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Repeat_test.mscz | 5.23 KB |
With 3 Voltas you need 2 end repeat barlines one for every non-last volta
Following Jojo's advice, you don't need to use a D.S (which jumps out of the repeat structure to m.2). Instead you just include B (m.2) in Volta 2:
In reply to Following Jojo's advice, you… by DanielR
Hi DanielR, this is not an option. Of course, with just one measure, this is no problem, but in the actual song this part is 16 measures long. In the songbook I'm basing this off, repeats are very rarely actually repeated, because it includes ~100 songs in one edition: hence, they need to be displayed in a compact manner.
Your confusion stems from assuming a jump increases the repeat count, while it does not; hence the "4th" repeat is never reached.
The other part that makes playback happen as it does now, is because you have not yet adjusted the play count from the default of 2 for the end repeat barline in there. The result is that MuseScore doesn't correctly asses the "final" repeat number that it must take after the jump. Notice the difference in playback if you have "play repeats" disabled for the jump and adjust the play count to the normal expected value of 3 or the less expected version of 4.
I think that for a human musician, the expected order is fairly clear. The solution for playback would then be to have some additional hidden instruction for MuseScore. In this particular case the following:
In reply to Your confusion stems from… by jeetee
Thank you. I am a bit disappointed that the voltas don't work like this, but I can understand that this is not the use case for which they were set up. I did read somewhere that jumps and repeats are expected to be reworked in MuseScore 4, so I'm curious what will happen with it. I do think that I follow here the guidelines of the songbook, and I'm glad you think the expected order is clear.
I think that with a bunch of D.S. al Coda variations I should be able to make anything like this work, then... I'll get back to you if I run into another problem in getting the full song to work!
In reply to Thank you. I am a bit… by 607MuseScore
It's not that volta's don't work like this; it's Jumps that don't work like this, by convention.
AFAIK there is no rewrite planned for repeats for MS4, but I'm interested to see which post made you think so.
In reply to Your confusion stems from… by jeetee
Thank you for your help; I think I mostly get how it works now (I just don't know what 'play count' means yet).

However, I've ran into a problem again later, because it doesn't seem to be possible to chain jumps. It looks like a jump must go to a label, and can't go to another jump. Hence, I can't get this to work.
(the formatting's getting messy but that doesn't matter; in the actual piece the parts are several measures long, of course, leaving more room for everything)
Am I missing another trick? :)
As to your question: I probably checked a dozen MuseScore pages in hopes of finding a solution to my problem, and I wouldn't know where I read that the system was going to overhauled for MuseScore 4, sorry.
In case anyone thinks I'm making this up, here's the song structure in words:
prelude - verse - chorus (x2) - interlude - verse - chorus (x2) - bridge - chorus (x4) - coda
It's complex, but it's not unheard of, I'd say. In the actual score I have some more jumps set up, because I don't want, for instance, the entire bridge to be under a volta, for readability. So I have a single measure under the volta that says 'to letter C', and the bridge itself is on a separate page.
In reply to Thank you for your help; I… by 607MuseScore
Play count means how often that repeat is to be played, so in case of that one it is 8, as there are 8 voltas.
Still: there are more end-repeat barlines needed for all these voltas to work
In reply to Thank you for your help; I… by 607MuseScore
Your volta-indications do not match your text description of the song structure.
Attached a score that plays back according to what your voltas indicated
In reply to Your volta-indications do… by jeetee
I'm of course not sure why you think my volta indications do not match my text description, but in the actual piece there is one extra jump, because I didn't want to put the entire bridge in the voltas.
I am not considering changing the layout of the score for playback; for an official recording I would perform myself, anyway. Do you think it is indeed impossible to make the repeat test 2 play back correctly?
Thanks for your time!
In reply to I'm of course not sure why… by 607MuseScore
As far as I'm aware the score I shared should have that exact playback order, as what you indicated with the voltas.
In reply to As far as I'm aware the… by jeetee
Yup, nicely done! My comment above stands.
If someone else reads this and does want MuseScore to play back a piece: please finish your score, then make a copy of it! Do not require your musicians to read music in a way that MuseScore understands. :P
In reply to Yup, nicely done! My comment… by 607MuseScore
I've removed your volta's because to me (as a musician) it was less clear.
But by all means, you can add them back (or use non-functional system lines instead) mark the jumps invisible and get the exact notation you wanted visibly, but also the "correct" invisible notation to drive playback.
I thought that even if I couldn't get the repeats to work properly, I could just finish the piece and print it... but unreachable parts of score actually cannot be played back. That is awkward!
In reply to I thought that even if I… by 607MuseScore
If you turn off the repeat playback (toolbar button) MuseScore just plays all notated measures front to back, once; so you can always preview things that way.
In reply to If you turn off the repeat… by jeetee
I didn't know that, thanks!
In reply to I didn't know that, thanks! by 607MuseScore
In reply to… by Mr Fox
This page does not mention it clearly, if you ask me. It makes sense if you think about it, but I hadn't. ;)
In reply to This page does not mention… by 607MuseScore
You can edit the page to make it clearer