Some decorations are only applied in the current part. Is there a list of those decorations ?

• May 4, 2022 - 08:32

accidental bracket types, note head groups,... (e.g.), are some of the "decorations" that when set on one part are not set automatically on the other parts where that staff shows on.
Is there a list all those decorations that are only applied to the current part ?


[Separated thought:
There is someone building a plugin to synchronise the accidental bracket types from one part to the other parts. Shouldn't this be a kind of option in MuseScore to this automated at all times ?]


There is such a list, but only in the soure code, where a property determines whether elements are linked/synced between score an part. See .../src/engraving/libmscore/property.cpp, lines 72-397 and the 2nd field in that struct, whether it is true (linked) or false (not linked).
In general everything that is considered layout is not linked, everything that is considered content is linked, and in case of doubt they are not linked as there currently is no way to break such a link.

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