Swing Ratio effect on OnTime
Setting a global swing ratio for eighth notes changes the OnTime for some notes in the score. What is the formula for relating this ratio to the OnTime? (I have a plugout which needs a tweak to work properly with swing.)
See https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/blob/3.x/libmscore/rendermidi.cp…
In reply to See https://github.com… by jeetee
Thank you.
In reply to See https://github.com… by jeetee
Now I also understand why a swing ratio of 50% is actually no swing at all.
The plain English answer for anyone else wondering: the ratio says what percentage of the beat the first of the two eighths should get. So, 50% means the first eighth gets half the beat - the norm, no swing. 67% would emulate triplets. Most jazz musicians swing somewhere around 55-60% depending on tempo.