What have I done -- can't get last two 16th notes in

• Jun 24, 2022 - 01:50

Good Day,

I am working on a score (specifically the Bass part. I loaded this up through the PDF upload which is a great tool, then I made some tweaks which are causing me to do manual corrections. This is Bass Clef; 4/4 time (I checked to be sure I hadn't changed anything; twice).

What I have here is 2-1/8th notes, 2-1/16th notes & 1-1/8th note; 1-1/4 note and 2-1/16th notes. I need two more 1/16th notes to fill out the measure. However, the measure is full and will not accept any more. My question: Why? What have I done? and, How do I undo it? I do notice that there is a (light) grey bar over the final notes but I do not know what it represents or how to remove it.

Thank you for your help.

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In reply to by mictog

Probably you didn't do that - more likely it was the tool that attempted to convert your PDF into actual music. That sort of technology is still in its infancy and you can expect lots of errors like that. It's nice when it occasionally works, but usually it's a slower and less reliable way of entering music than simply typing it in, unless you're a really expert user and know how to diagnose and fix the often subtle and complex errors that typically result from this sort of import.

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