Problems after fixing corruptions

• Jul 13, 2022 - 04:51

Something happened to my score and it got corrupted. Using the instructions found at , I was able to get rid of the warnings whenever I reopen the file. However, it is behaving like there is still corruption somewhere. For example, I am not able to change the local tempo for the Violoncellos. In addition, when I select measure 424, the selector looks weird. Its like it has part of another selector attached to the side of it. Attached is a screen shot and the score.

Attachment Size
weird selector.png 236.27 KB
The_Planets - Holst.mscz 1.08 MB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I already did that so I could change the local tempo for the Violoncellos.

Edit: I removed the word parts from my first post to avoid confusion.
Also, if it helps, the corruptions I fixed all involved the harps and the violoncellos (there were several). I can't remember the exact measure numbers but they were all after 400.

In reply to by omega13a

I just remembered, there is a way I could get the list of corruptions that I fixed. I had uploaded the score before I fixed them. I just downloaded it and here's the list if it helps:

Measure 427, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 9/8
Measure 427, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 9/8
Measure 428, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 428, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 429, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 429, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 430, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 430, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 431, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 431, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 432, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 432, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 445, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 445, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 445, staff 42 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 445, staff 43 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 445, staff 54 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 446, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 446, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 446, staff 42 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 446, staff 43 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 446, staff 54 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 447, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 447, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 447, staff 42 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 447, staff 43 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 447, staff 54 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 448, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 448, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 448, staff 42 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 448, staff 43 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 448, staff 54 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 449, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 449, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 449, staff 42 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 449, staff 43 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 449, staff 54 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 450, staff 40 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 450, staff 41 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 450, staff 42 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 450, staff 43 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8
Measure 450, staff 54 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 9/8

I managed to fix all of those but like I said in my first post, there are still issues.

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