Virtual Singers
It would be nice to have virtual singers as a part of Musescore's tools. I think it would be beneficial to be able to hear various parts sung.
It would be nice to have virtual singers as a part of Musescore's tools. I think it would be beneficial to be able to hear various parts sung.
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Came up before several times
In reply to Came up before several times by Jojo-Schmitz
several times for years and can't be implemented yet? ufff...
In reply to several times for years and… by Telodigotodo
We're looking forward to your attempts to make it happen...
This topic has indeed been discussed several times:
2009: A Virtual Singer in Musescore?
2015: #63241: Virtual singer Suggestion in Issue Tracker
2015:… GSOC Virtual Singer
2017: Virtual Singers as instruments
2017: ... make a voice read/say your lyrics
2018: Text to voice
In reply to This topic has been… by DanielR
It looks like there is some interest.
There is an open source Virtual Singer available.
Perhaps a future feature.
In reply to It looks like there is some… by [DELETED] 28022020
You wrote:
I think it would be beneficial to be able to hear various parts sung.
The existing "ahhs" and "oohs" are not language specific.
According to the homepage, MuseScore is available in 69 languages.
What is the follow up proposal for implementing a "Virtual Singer "?
In reply to You wrote: I think it would… by Jm6stringer
As an amateur composer, I like to hear the virtual singer sing the songs I have written.
I would propose that an open source virtual singer would be added to MuseScore as an additional plugin. Here is a web address of one that I found on-line (
In reply to As an amateur composer, I… by [DELETED] 28022020
You wrote:
I like to hear the virtual singer sing the songs I have written.
Okay, but what language(s) do you propose -- speech databases for all of MuseScore's 69 supported languages?
The currently available "ahhs" and "oohs" are multilingual and can be used by everyone to provide a simulation of "singing the songs".
P.S.... ;-)
To add to DanielR's list, check out this one:
In reply to You wrote: I like to hear… by Jm6stringer
If MuseScore is available in 69 languages it would be nice to have virtual singers to support each language. Perhaps some of the the translators that have been involved with the translation work on MuseScore would consider helping with the virtual singer project.
English is a good language to start with.
I wouldn't be interested. A virtual singer is the musical equivalent of a sex robot.
In reply to I wouldn't be interested. A… by jcorelis
Interesting. You also don't like virtual violins and other virtual instruments then, I reckon? I assume you're not really using the new musesounds.
I would love a virtual singer, even a very basic one. Just anything to get an impression of what I am composing (I compose mostly for choir)
In reply to I would love a virtual… by Justin1980
There is OpenUtau.
See here to setup and configure:
You could write something in MuseScore, export to musicxml, convert the xml to UTS with
Tell us how it goes.
(i did not try myself)
In reply to There is Openutau. See here… by graffesmusic
A very brief overview
Stone age and DIY:
Soundfont, MIDI velocity and instruments.xml
DAW record and mix
Iron age: Alter/Ego Plogue
Cyberpunk: Vocaloid / Utau Yamaha non AI versions; OpenUtau
Cinesamples Voxos
Strezov sampling choir
Cutting edge:
Synthesizer V
In reply to A very brief overview Stone… by msfp
Synthesizer V seems very good.
Something to experiment :-)
In reply to Synthesizer V seems very… by graffesmusic
Affirmative Dave I read you.
In reply to Affirmative Dave I read you. by msfp
I have been playing around with Synthesizer V.
Guess what: even the free version for Linux supports Jack, out of the box.
(for vst, you need to pay)
I think it's weird that these guys would want to support this completely deprecated and useless software.
In reply to There is Openutau. See here… by graffesmusic
Thank you very much, Guys. I am trying to try OpenUtau but the installation on my Ubuntu is not working so far. Trying again.
In reply to Thank you. I am trying to… by Justin1980
Same here, OpenUtau does not play, but i didn't really investigate why. Perhaps a resampler is needed for Linux. There are certainly more voices. (i installed an Italian one, the first i found.)
I think Synthezer V is better quality (but has only 3 English free voices, a bunch of Japanese and Chinese voices, and none of other European languages)
In reply to Same here, OpenUtau does not… by graffesmusic
And how would you use Synth V to playback a vocal/choir piece made with Musescore?
In reply to And how would you use Synth… by Justin1980
Export the vocal line (one at a time) to musicxml (i use uncompressed, but compressed should also be ok)
Transform it to a UST file (Utau Sequence Text)
(this is a fork with some modifications -- i did not find the specifications of the ust file, i did tempo * 4 for Lenght, since it played 4 times too fast - needs improvement/testing)
Import the UST file in Synthesizer V (or OpenUtau) (you need to install one (or all) of the free voices )
Of course, much learning is needed....
(don't expect great quality without tweaking)
You could also use a midi file and import it directly, but then you only have the notes and no lyrics.
In reply to Export (only) the vocal… by graffesmusic
Ok, I get the idea. I am really not looking for quality, it is just about getting a rough impression. Even a feature similar to "Virtual Singer" by Myriad would be great for me in Musescore.
The Synth V is quite fascinating though, perfect for experimenting. Thank you for your explanation.
In reply to Ok, I get the idea. I am… by Justin1980
(possible) no fuss choir vst with syllables, according to my outdated impression:
Cinesamples Voxos
Strezov sampling choir
all of them cost a fortune.
"possible" cos Musescore4 support vst3 only, not vst2, and some users reported some vst3 are not working properly.
In reply to (possible) no fuss choir vst… by msfp
Synthesizer V is really great, but probably you would need the full version to do the better work.
Here a clip with the 'Solaria' voice (SOLARIA :Developed by Eclipsed Sounds, Voiced by Emma Rowley)
The VST in the full product is: (quote from their forum):
SynthV Studio is a bit different from typical VST instruments. Most VSTis receive the MIDI from the host application (DAW) and play notes matching that, however SynthV Studio relies on its own embedded piano roll and ignores the host MIDI.
So the use in MuseScore would be very limited.
But if you are going for top quality, you'll need a DAW anyway.
I am on MuseScore4 Lite ( AKA MuseScore for Linux - no VST support), so i don't care about it anyway.
(and there is no native Linux VST, so i would need the horrible wine)
Did i mention that Synth V supports JACK, even in the free version. (admittedly without jack-transport)
The free version is more than good enough to get an idea.
In reply to Synthesizer V is really… by graffesmusic
Another product worth looking at is Harmony Assistant. HA includes a dependent virtual singer module. You would need to buy lifetime licenses for both if you wanted to use the full versions. You can download HA + Virtual Singer and try a limited version for free.
In reply to Another product worth… by [DELETED] 28022020
that's what Justin1980 suggested too
french's certainly its strong suit , the fricative r is very good