Corrupted bars, struggling to remove/delete them
I have the attached bars in a piece which seems to have got corrupted - I get the corruption warning when starting up and they no longer play properly, it seems like Musescore thinks there are too many beats/events in the bar, and deleting some of the notes can leave random extra rests lying around. I've tried to delete the bars entirely in every combination that I can, selecting them and pressing Ctrl-Del, deleting the contents first, copy/pasting them to the end and then selecting just those bars, but at some point Musescore crashes and shuts down, occasionally producing an error report screen but not always.
Can anyone work out how to delete everything but the first and last bars from this file?
Attachment | Size |
deleteme corrupted measures.mscz | 21.41 KB |
Using the latest version of Musescore 3, which this file was also created in a number of years ago.
In reply to Using the latest version of… by GoldmanT
That score was last save using 3.6.2, but stems from a pre-3.6 version.
Why do you want to delete the 1st and the last measure, when MuseScore reports measures 2-9 to be corrupted?
In reply to Why do you want to delete… by Jojo-Schmitz
I don't - everything but the first and last measures.
In reply to I don't - everything but the… by GoldmanT
Yep, noticed that later, see below
See How to fix a score that contains corruptions
Oh, delete everything but the first and last
Well, than not much is left, just 2 empty measures (in 2 staves)
It'd be easy though: select 2nd measure, shift+select second to last measure, press Ctrl+Del
I guess rather than trying to repair it, better just rewrite it from scatch, for those 8 measures that seems less effort
In reply to Oh, delete everything but… by Jojo-Schmitz
It was an excerpt from the full score, didn't really want to post the whole thing up. In that file it wouldn't let me select and delete just those measures, that's what was causing the crash, but I ended up deleting the tuplets from the top stave and selecting the measures using the bottom stave and that worked fine.
In reply to Oh, delete everything but… by Jojo-Schmitz
Did you see the hidden septuplets which are overlapping?
Measure 2.
I don't have enough experience to judge whether it would be playable at all with the tuplets...
In reply to Did you see the hidden… by HildeK
No I didn't see that but assumed it was something to do with the tuplets. The original is actually fairly straightforward, there are target notes to hit on the beat and then the 'tuplet' notes just spread out between them, almost like a set of grace notes evenly spaced out. It fits quite nicely under the fingers on a piano.