Brackets in score not working correctly
I'm using the most current (3.0) version of MuseScore, and I'm trying to add a bracket to a section that I only want played the 2nd time for a repeat on a multi-part score, and every time I select the correct measure, it adds the bracket to every line! I don't want that - I only want the single measure bracketed! It does this whether I edit on the individual part in question, or on the master score.
Open the Symbols section of the Master Palette by typing the keyboard shortcut Z.
In the search box start typing the word "bracket" and drag the symbol you want onto your score. You may have to uncheck 'Automatic placement' in the Inspector to facilitate placement.
Symbols are just that (mere shapes). They do not follow any positioning rules (like every line) nor affect things like playback.
The question remains: What are you trying to notate? Is this standard procedure?
In reply to Open the Symbols section by… by Jm6stringer
Thanks for your reply. My issue is that when I drag a bracket onto a measure, instead of appearing on that measure, it appears on the start of that line -- and every line after that. I don't want that, and I've never had an issue with bracket placement before, so I'm not sure why this is happening.
Yes, this is a standard notation issue - I want to inform the drummer that they only play a part of the repeated section on the first time through but play the entirety of that for the second time when the passage is repeated. In the past I've also used brackets to denote a vamped section - that wouldn't work with this issue as it stands right now either.
In reply to Thanks for your reply. My… by katyoungren
You wrote:
...when I drag a bracket onto a measure, instead of appearing on that measure, it appears on the start of that line -- and every line after that.
This picture shows the 'Brackets' palette. If you want only 1 bracket, use the bracket symbol as previously explained.
It's still unclear if you really need one of these 'winged' brackets.
In reply to Thanks for your reply. My… by katyoungren
Brackets don't apply to measures, but to staves.
You need Voltas here.
No idea what a vamped section is
In reply to Brackets don't apply to… by Jojo-Schmitz
Vamp (noun and verb)
"in jazz and popular music) a short, simple introductory passage, usually repeated several times until otherwise instructed."
A short intro or fill-in or accompaniment that is generic and can be improvised by most musicians who play that genre. Ask a piano player in a railway station or other public space to play a popular tune and they may "vamp" the into and, indeed, most of the left hand.
In reply to "Vamp (in jazz and popular… by underquark
In reply to Brackets don't apply to… by Jojo-Schmitz
Also... ;-)
Vamp - a short, simple introductory passage, usually repeated several times while vocalist makes an entrance; winks, waves, and smiles to the audience; adjusts the microphone stand; scowls at the band; sips a beverage; cracks knuckles; etc.
In reply to Thanks for your reply. My… by katyoungren
To be clear: by definition, brackets apply to the whole system, not to individual measures. They have never done anything different. What you are thinking of almost certainly are repeat signs, and in particular, ones with "wings", as shown by SteveBlower in Those have been supported for a long time, and still are. Just add the repeat barlines from the palette, and if you are your style settings called for these wings, they appear automatically. If you haven't enabled them, do so in Format / Style / Barlines.
3.0 is not the most current version, but 3.6.2 is.
You don't want a bracket but a Volta
In reply to You don't want a bracket but… by Jojo-Schmitz
I think the OP wants neither a bracket, nor a volta but instead wants "wings" on the repeat barlines - like this:
These are on by default when using the jazz templates. They can be turned on or off in the barline style settings using the first checkbox. The style settings are available by a) right clicking on the barline and selecting Style - this will set it for the or b) from Format>Style>Barlines. Note that this is a score-wide setting. It can not be used on individual repeat barlines. See…
In reply to I think the OP wants neither… by SteveBlower
Maybe, but that's not matching the initial post:
I'm trying to add a bracket to a section that I only want played the 2nd time for a repeat on a multi-part score
This is a volta
In reply to Maybe, but that's not… by Jojo-Schmitz
Possibly, but a volta should be at the end of a repeat not at the beginning. Perhaps some re-organisation of the repeat structure is also needed.