Dynamics Bar
the thing thing that pops up on the left that has Dynamics and Texts and Tempos turned off and I dont know how to turn it off
the thing thing that pops up on the left that has Dynamics and Texts and Tempos turned off and I dont know how to turn it off
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the thing thing that pops up on the left that has Dynamics and Texts and Tempos turned off and I dont know how to turn it on is what I ment
Can you please make a screenshot and post it hear, that we understand better what you mean by "Danamics Bar"?
In reply to Can you please make a… by [DELETED] 1307581
"Dynamics bar" = “Pallets"?
If so, this may help https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/palettes
If not, come back and explain your problem in more detail.