Easier way to select looped measures on web site

• Oct 30, 2022 - 15:33

I have a score with lots of extremely short sections (https://musescore.com/user/44210513/scores/8868402). That means there are no measure numbers. To play a looped selection on the website, I have to use the trial-and-error method to locate which measure(s) to loop. Ideally, one could directly select the start and end measures the way the standalone notation software does. Otherwise, it would be nice to be able to number all measures, even the first one, across sections.


Consider unchecking the "Start new section with measure number one" option for the Section breaks (via the inspector).
Then you can also turn on measure numbers on every 1 interval in Format > Style > Measure Numbers.

You now have consecutive numbers throughout the whole score visible.

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks! However, that numbers the measures consecutively as they appear in the score, not as they are played, taking into consideration repeated sections. Unfortunately, the looping feature in the web interface expects the latter. My score has many many repeated sections, so it's practically impossible to determine which measures to play by number. Therefore, my original feature request stands--some way to select the start and end measures for looping that does not rely on measure numbers.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thanks. I looked all over the musescore.com website but couldn't find where to request a new feature. Then I saw another post on here about a feature for the website and thought, well, I guess this is where we post that, too. I just posted my feature request via the link you provided.

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