
• Nov 18, 2022 - 10:52


I am trying to add a tuplets with 18 demi-semi-quaver in a 4/4 bar with the first note be minim. Does anyone know how to customise the 18 notes to be demi-semi-quaver instead of crochets as a default?

I didn't find way to do it, I used menu Add - Tuplets - Other and then did ration of 18/2 or tried all combinations, it didn't work. I then tried to select note before using Add menu, it didn't work either.

I am sure MuseScore can customise it.

FYI: this notation can be found in Chopin Nocturne B49 C# minor bar 58 - bar 61 to see what I was trying to add. The screen shots are attached here.

I'd appreciate if anyone could help me to resolve this.

Thank you


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Tuplets issue.docx 167.89 KB


Please attach images directly to the topic instead of via Word Documents.
So you're asking about this:

Each tuplet takes up the normal duration of a half note (1/2). When creating a tuplet the ratio is: "Give me X of what would be notated as Y if there wasn't a tuplet".
In your case you want the Y to be equivalent to a 1/32nd note. As there normally fit 16 of those 1/32nds into a half note (16/32 == 1/2), that is the value for Y. The value for X then is how many of them you wish to see inside the tuplet.

The resulting ratios are (same order as image above):
11/16 and 13/16

In reply to by el48628

To me those bars look more like a bad MIDI transcription for a guitar piece. I'd consider not having a quarter note in the bottom voice there, but make it a 1/8th instead, to match with the rhythm pattern of bar 35.

In reply to by el48628

Are you saying you still have a question? If so, feel free to ask! Something you want to do with the timing of those notes other than what you actually did?

BTW, note that attaching the actual score is usually even better than attaching a picture, then we can simply open it up and see what's going on for ourselves, and tell you exactly what to do to fix whatever it is you need help with. And you attach scores the same way you attach pictures, or Word files :-)

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