Musescore cannot find Musesounds in a custom path

• Nov 28, 2022 - 18:29

I installed Muse Hub for Linux as described in the announcement of beta release and downloaded Musescore Appimage from there. However the default path that Muse Hub uses to download would fill up a limited partition at my disk. I chose a custom path to install Muse Sounds. Everything was downloaded correctly, but when I run Musescore it simply doesn't recognize Muse Sounds. The only soundfont available in the mixer is MS Basic. What do I do to make MS4 recognize Muse Sounds where they are installed?


I think this is known; MuseScore 4 does not currently have a method to specify where to look for sounds. So for now at least, you need to install to the standard location. But, you can use a symbolic link from the standard location /srv/muse-hub to whatever other location you like. It might work to set this up after the fact, but some people have reported better results if you set up the link first, then do the download of Muse Sounds. Or, you might need to manually copy over from wherever it ends up to /usr/lib - not sure what happens with that when you specify an alternate download location for the sounds.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Should I create a symbolic link to the whole directory or to each file inside of it?
Should i install Muse sounds then move them to the desired location and create a link where they were before? Or should I install them at the desired location and then create a link in the standard folder?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I thought I would write how I fixed this situation on Linux – in detail, to help others, so they know what is going on. 2023-10-01.

Installing Muse Sounds in a custom directory and hoping that MuseScore (appimage) would be smart enough to find them... doesn't work. Bug #1.

I removed my /srv directory (to get rid of the config file). Then when I run the muse-hub command, it returns immediately, does not print anything to stdout, does not create any notifications, and displays no warning window. Just no communication whatsoever. Bug #2.

In order to run muse-hub again I figured out what I had to do:

sudo killall muse-hub-service

I suppose this is why someone said they had to restart their computer. Not really necessary. muse-hub-service certainly is the program that keeps torrenting the instruments to other users.

After killing the service, muse-hub runs again, so I installed only the keyboards on the default location, just to see where things would end up. The directory structure is this:

├── muse-hub
│   ├── downloads
│   │   ├── Installers
│   │   └── Instruments
│   └── logs

All files belong to root but the permissions are 755 (readable by any user). The same thing happens to a custom location: the files and folders belong to root.

I ran MuseScore again to test the piano on the default directory, and it worked, even using the appimage.

/serv/muse-hub/Settings.json contains this:

  "MuseDownloadLocation": "/srv/muse-hub/downloads", (...)

...however, Settings.json seems to be used by MuseHub only, and ignored by MuseScore. Bug #3. (This is why we need to create a symbolic link.)

Now the final step: I manually moved Instruments/ to my custom location and created the symbolic link:

sudo ln -s '/home/nando/zopt/Muse/Muse Hub Downloads' /srv/muse-hub/downloads

Now it works in MuseScore. High five!

Got the same experience on Win 10. No installation in custom path. So a workaround:
First follow the procedure described in and
Download all MuseSounds in the default location. C:\ProgramData\MuseHub\Downloads\Instruments
In "services' stop the Muse Hub service to enable moving. Move the Instruments folder to an SSD in a location called MuseSounds\Instruments
Then start the command prompt as administrator.
Make in C:\ProgramData\MuseHub\Downloads a symbolic link 'Instruments' pointing to the SSD location.
Command in my case:
C:\Users\UserName> /D mklink C:\ProgramData\MuseHub\Downloads\Instruments S:\MuseSounds\Instruments
Start the Muse Hub service again.

Things are getting worse.
I removed all configurations files of Musescore 4 in .config and .local files, installed Muse strings from muse hub at default location, ran MS4 but even so, muse sounds doesn't appear in the mixer.

In reply to by [DELETED] 135427

I found a way. just enter the /srv/ directory and delete everything that muse hub has created....then go back to the program and place the default will create a folder called muse-hub and there will have a Settings file. json and inside that file has the custom path that you put... load a midi file and test it for you to see. It works

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