MuseScore 4 keyboard shortcuts map announcement
Version 1.0 is now released.
You can find it under forum/documentation:
Original post:
Hello folks,
this is the first time that I write here in the forum. And i start with an announcement for you :-)
Today i started to create a keyboard shortcuts map for MuseScore 4. I have only found this one which was created almost 10 years ago:
I'm a long time Sibelius 7 user from Germany, but recently switched to MuseScore 4 (Nightly builds). The new design is awesome. But i had some new shortcuts / new handling to learn. So i decided to make a map, not only for me, but to give something back to the community.
I hope, i can finish the map to the release of MS4. I'm very open for feedback, that is also the reason why i would like to give you a first insight today. Maybe you can check parallel to the development if everything is ok so far. In this very first alpha version 0.2.1 many is missing, please wait a few days for another update. And i'm not sure, if anyone can read the small text. Or whether it actually makes sense to create such a map with all the shortcuts? In the end, i can export a PDF file also. And this 4K image file you can set as a background for example.
Bye for now.
- v.0.4.2 on Nov 9, 2022
- v.0.5.8 on Nov 11, 2022
- v.0.6.4 on Nov 14, 2022
- v.0.7.3 on Nov 21, 2022
- v.0.8.5 on Nov 22, 2022
- v.0.9.7 on Nov 23, 2022
- v.0.9.8 on Nov 24, 2022
- v.0.9.9 on Nov 24, 2022
- v.0.9.95 on Nov 25, 2022
- v.0.9.98 on Nov 26, 2022
I clicked on the image and it went bigger.
In reply to I clicked on the image and… by [DELETED] 1307581
Yes, the browser display it with "page fit". If you click on the image, it will be shown as 100%.
Today i updated to version 0.4.2.
Very nice! I'm learning quite a bit from this.
For Ctrl-Q you mean "quit" instead of "quite"
In reply to Very nice! I'm learning… by stephencbryant
Yeah, you're quite right :-) Thank you for the typo! Added a new update - with the numpad and other changes.
I learn a lot from the map myself. At the moment some shortcuts don't work for me (ctrl+b for bold or ctrl+i for italic, underline with ctrl+u works fine). For example, "toggle natural" doesn't work on my German keyboard either.
This is really excellent work, and useful!
Thank you!
In reply to This is really excellent… by Joshua Pettus
Thanks for your kind words, Joshua.
Today an almost finished version was added. I hope the graphics aren't too colorful, too much like a Christmas tree :-)
In reply to Thanks for your kind words,… by MerlinW
Many thanks for making this available - it looks far more professional than most keyboard layouts I've seen before and I'm sure it will be very useful for a lot of people.
Just one little typo I noticed - "tublet" should be "tuplet".
Thanks again.
In reply to Many thanks for making this… by MarkWWW
Thank you very much for your lovely lines.
I just fixed the error devil and made a few small tweaks.
In reply to Many thanks for making this… by MarkWWW
These typos of "tublet" are also present in the numeric block on the right.
In reply to These typos of "tublet" are… by [DELETED] 1307581
Oh i forgot, thanks! Replaced the last file.
In reply to Thanks for your kind words,… by MerlinW
Any chance for to a printable version with a white background?
In reply to Any chance for to a… by graffesmusic
Yes, this should be possible. I've set all colors as global colors, so that should be pretty easy to do. How big do you want to print it in the end?
TO THE FORUM-ADMINS: I can't edit my main topic anymore. Is there a limit to only 10 edits or so? In the end, i would like to delete the old alpha-maps and link to the new topic with the final version in forum/documentation (i think). -> ok, works again.
In reply to Yes, this should be possible… by MerlinW
I guess i would need to print this on A3 (my eyes getting old...)
Thank you very much
In reply to Hi I guess i would need to… by graffesmusic
Yes, I think it should be at least A3. For A4/Letter you would need a magnifying glass.
Yesterday I did a test with a white background. It's looking pretty good so far, the yellow color is a little hard to read (when the text is so small). But there is still a solution.
In reply to Any chance for to a… by graffesmusic
Hi graffesmusic, I have a surprise for you :-) see
At least a black and white version. Or do you or someone else need a colored version?
In reply to Hi graffesmusic, I have a… by MerlinW
That's great, MerlinW! I tried to make one from the black sheet by myself, but it outcome a mess.
In reply to That's great, MerlinW! I… by [DELETED] 1307581
Oh no. I hope your printer is not empty now. That's a lot of ink.
I had just done a test on A4, I think it looks very nice, but of course it's much too small.
In reply to Oh no. I hope your printer… by MerlinW
No, no, i loaded the black one in a picture processing program and tried to invert the colours. No printing involved so far.
Thank you for your sheets, MerlinW. Great work!
Typo: the key left to A = Caps lock
In reply to Thank you for your sheets,… by [DELETED] 1307581
Thank you Pentatonus!
Hello MerlinW,
any chance, that we can have a german version too?
Greetings, Pentatonus (also a user from germany)
In reply to Hello MerlinW, any chance,… by [DELETED] 1307581
Die Idee hatte ich natürlich auch :-) aber erst einmal verworfen. So eine Map zu erstellen, macht ja doch ganz schön viel Arbeit. Und ich befürchte, dass es noch viel komplizierter mit unserer Sprache und den meist ja längeren Wörtern sein wird. Es war jetzt schon ein bisschen eine Tüftelarbeit, alle Tastenkombinationen gut in die kleinen Felder hineinzubekommen.
Mal schauen, vielleicht dann im nächsten Jahr. Ich möchte auch erst einmal warten, ob die engl. Version so bleibt (vom Design her) und sich bewährt. So wie die Map jetzt ist, "funktioniert" sie eigentlich am besten auf einem 4K-Monitor als Hintergrundbild. WQHD geht auch gerade noch, aber bei HD lässt sich der Text eigentlich nicht mehr wirklich lesen. Die Frage ist für mich auch, wie sie dann am Ende genutzt wird. Für viele Benutzer wird dann wahrscheinlich die PDF am besten geeignet sein.
New version 0.9.9 online.
With some changes in the footer, 4 new shortcuts and i changed the word stave to staff (used in US and UK).
Does anyone else have suggestions for changing certain terms? So that it fits both language variants - British and American English?
In reply to New version 0.9.9 online… by MerlinW
If you want to go to British English, the main change as far as I can see would be the terms for note durations, i.e.:
64th note = hemidemisemiquaver
32nd note = demisemiquaver
16th note = semiquaver
Eighth note = quaver
Quarter note = crotchet
Half note = minim
Whole note = semibreve
Double whole note = breve
(I think everything else is fine as-is.)
In reply to If you want to go to British… by Michael Andrew…
Speaking as unrepresentative sample of one Brit, I could live with US note names. Hemidemisemiquaver is a lot to fit in a keyhead.
In reply to Speaking as unrepresentative… by SteveBlower
Thank you both for your comments!
Because of the length of the notes: That was actually a conscious decision due to the limited space. And my thought was also that the American terms are better known in for British-speaking people than the other way around.
In reply to Thank you both for your… by MerlinW
That's fair, not least because even if someone didn't know the American term, you also have pictures of the notes on the keys to help identify them.
In that case, I don't think you need to make any changes to the layout for UK English.
In the new version 0.9.95 I made the border of the keys a bit thinner (from 5 to 4 pt, maybe I'll make them even thinner to 3 pt).
I also adjusted the footer a bit.
In reply to In the new version 0.9.95 I… by MerlinW
I hope there is room in the MU4 handbook for this - an appendix perhaps.
I think it'd be nice to add this to the top of the listing at
In reply to I think it'd be nice to add… by jeetee
Yes, this would be handy. But that's out of my hands (pun intended :-) )
@SteveBlower: Handbook also sounds like a good idea.
In reply to Yes, this would be handy… by MerlinW
It was in my hands ;-)
In reply to It was in my hands ;-) by jeetee
Oh that's awesome! Thank you very much for this honour.
I think it's better to wait a few more days to the final version 1.0. Then also with that image and PDF file. I also wanted to go over everything again very precisely, maybe there is still something to be found here and there.
In reply to Oh that's awesome! Thank you… by MerlinW
We can update the handbook at any point in time and it'll be just as much a community wiki-style effort as the current v3 handbook is. So there's no rush in making 1.0 and we can always update the handbook to reflect the most recent version of the map.
In reply to We can update the handbook… by jeetee
That's ok. Thank you! Version 1.0 is now released :-)
In reply to That's ok. Thank you!… by MerlinW
handbook page reference updated
In reply to handbook page reference… by jeetee
thank you again, jeetee!
In reply to thank you again, jeetee! by MerlinW
Hi Merlin, I love the shortcut keyboard you made and (as you know) it has been made part of the handbook). I am now translating the handbook and would like to use localised Dutch version of this for the handbook.
Any suggestions how we can make this happen?
I changed the map a bit. I think she's a little more eye-friendly now.
In reply to I changed the map a bit. I… by MerlinW
Minor mistake. on the ' key next to the right enter. Should be ' and " . There is no @ symbol. Unless I'm misunderstanding?
In reply to Minor mistake. on the ' … by Joshua Pettus
Yeah, you're right. Thank you for your eagle eyes. I have changed it and uploaded it again. But stay with version 1.0
I have both keyboard maps in my working file: British and American (see also: And i looked to the wrong side.
In reply to Yeah, you're right. Thank… by MerlinW
Ah! I figured it must be some be something from with another keyboard layout. Didn't know that about the UK one.
Hello everyone!
I have compiled my own list of ShortCuts for MuseScore 3. I'm trying to import this list into MuseScore 4 and I'm finding that it doesn't import completely. In particular the MuseScore 4 seems not to accept ShortCuts that handle NumPad keys. Is this something I haven't got right yet, or MuseScore 4 doesn't accept ShortCuts involving the NumPad?
[It seems to confuse the NumPad numbers with those on the keyboard, or at any rate acts like it ignores the NumPad, which of course with the exact same ShortCut list doesn't happen in MuseScore 3. In short, my laptop's NumPad, especially for MuseScore 4 seems to be dead.]
Thank you for your time,
In reply to Hello everyone! I have… by George Hatzimi…
Hello George, did you use the latest nightly build?
I just did a test and it works fine for me. I tried the "*" key on the numpad. The Ctrl and Alt modifier works too (Shift not).
In reply to Hello George, did you use… by MerlinW
Thanks for the reply, sorry for the delay in writing - for some reason I don't get notifications when someone replies.
Meanwhile the update to 4.0.1 has already been released.
I am reeding: "Major fix for num pad shortcuts" . I tried it. Still can't get the numpad to cooperate in creating shortcuts. It still confuses the main keypad numbers with the numpad numbers. Am I wrong?
In reply to Thanks for the reply, sorry… by George Hatzimi…
You may need to revert to factory settings, at least the shortcuts
Thank you.