strum patterns for guitar

• Dec 27, 2022 - 16:23

I have just discovered Musescore 4 and I'm just learning the features. Everything is incredible except the features for guitar seem limited. I can't find a method to create up and down strums for guitar chords. Is this possible? Is there an add on I can purchase?


I also would really like to know if MuseScore 4 can produce realistic guitar chord strumming sounds.
With respect to the other answers, an arpeggio does not sound much like a guitar strum, even after changing the arpeggio rate in the properties tab.

In reply to by paulfoglia

Well, consider a six string acoustic with steel strings. Put aside that the font isn't that great to begin with. Let's take an Em chord. Now down strum. What are the loudest notes. E B G E. B and E will probably be softer if heard at all. Now up strum. Here the E B E and G will be louder then the last B and E. And that's only if you are trying to play all six strings. Which is not always the case. Tempo is a factor also. So in a standard DDUUD pattern, you aren't playing all strings at the same volume. If at all. So if you write six string chords and use put arpeggio to them, of course it won't sound good. Because you don't play guitar that way. Leave out a string or two ( or three once in a while ) at the end of the strum and see how it sounds. The arpeggio will work much better.

In reply to by bobjp

That's all interesting, thanks. In my quest for realistic sounding guitar strums I've decided to try a few guitar vst plugins. I'm on a 2022 mac running the latest os. I'm finding some of the vst plugins aren't working as anticipated. I'm unsure if it's the newer version of mac os, MuseScore 4, or something else.

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