Musescore 4 Tempo

• Jan 1, 2023 - 18:06

I am new to Musescore (although I have used 3 a few times to post on the song site), and version 4 looks better but is still incredibly frustrating. And yes, I get it's free, so I'm not complaining, just figured I'd do a Tantacruel assessment from a Finale user for over 25 years (since v1).

I find it incredibly unintuitive to not be able to click the tempo and change it there. I find nowhere obvious with how to change it. Any help would be appreciated.

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In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I know that, but it's a very, very poor user experience. There are workarounds for every "feature". It's really not that hard to click a tempo and change it like every other music program I've ever used. And I get that they are trying to make accel/decelarandos, but I'm talking about the 95%+ of music that is one tempo and just needs to be set at the bar 1. You many times don't know when you start a score what your exact tempo will be.

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