Playback bug with the new soundfont

• Jan 3, 2023 - 20:18

I have been writting a piece for trombone trio, but on playback i noticed a weird thing.
At the beggining it sounds fine, but then it reaches a repetition bar, sounds the same for a few seconds then starts sounding completely different.

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imagem_2023-01-03_201752021.png 71.93 KB


From your picture, comparing the 4 green measures and the 4 red measures:

Trombone 1 plays the 2 green measures followed by 2 identical green measures. It can plainly be seen that Trombone 2 and Trombone 3 do not repeat their respective red measures. Therefore, when all instruments play together, the combined sounds will be different.
(I can't be sure this is what you mean because, unlike an actual MuseScore file, your picture cannot be played. ;-)

In reply to by Triler500

Did you start this in MS4? There are other dynamic problems.
I notice that if I unwrap the repeat, playback is correct. That is, C + P the repeated section to after the double bar.

Also you have trombone 2 playing two notes at once. Is this for more than 3 instruments.

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