Symbol for a2

• Feb 10, 2019 - 07:38

In writing wind band scores, I often need to mark passages a2 for instruments on shared staves. I could do with having this as a palette symbol, or keyboard shortcut, to speed up input. I usually enter this text in italic form, so have to use the inspector panel as well.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

> What is an 'instruction' of "a2" supposed to tell the reader/musician?
If it is still interesting for you:
This is an excerpt from a trumpet part in the conductor's score. The voices for trumpet 1 & 2 are written on the same staff and it means that only one trumpet should play here. [Edit: that is wrong - see below]
Sometimes parts are also written this way.

In reply to by pmunro361

I have a custom palette I call "Text commands" where I have put things like "a2," "unis." "divisi" and other common text items. I also included things like "sord" and "open" with the staff text properties set properly for the function. This allows me to add these texts to several notes at once if I need to.

In reply to by Robert Hoskins

Yes, I don't understand this. Why can't I just select an empty box and type in a text command? How do I get "a2," "unison," "div.," etc. into the palette? Strange that MuseScore doesn't have "a2" and "div." when these are so common. When I drag a different text element into the palette and go to its properties submenu (really...? Must there be so menu diving?) to change the name, nothing happens. Come on, MuseScore. Just let us type our text element into the little box!

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