barré line text

• Jan 19, 2023 - 10:37

How does one edit the text in a barré chord Text Line in MuseScore4? The current default creates a Text Line reading "VII". I would like to change the text to, for example, "III." I had no problem with this in MuseScore3. (There is a discrepancy in these discussions considering that many people are still using the older version. Solutions suggested for the old version don't always work in the new version.)


For MS 4.0:
- Place a line titled VII
- Select the line on your score
- In the Properties tab, see the panel headed Text line which defaults to the sub-tab Style
- Switch to the sub-tab titled Text, and change the text to your new III

In reply to by DanielR

Hi - I'm new to Musescore4 having previously used Sibelius. I had trouble with this too and although your solution works, it seems very a cumbersome process. I thought logically that, double clicking the VII would allow it to be edited, but no, one has to go through properties etc. for every barre in the score, which can be many.

Not really complaining, but just commenting. Perhaps the developers could look into it for us guitarists.


In reply to by phidap

" but no, one has to go through properties etc. for every barre in the score, which can be many."

Yes, but some people like to mark the barrés with a B before the numbers or a C, others don't want any, and other variations. The best advice is to create your own palette. Take a moment, edit I, II, III and others, and drag and drop (with Ctrl + Shift held) these signs into a new palette.
You won't need to do it anymore 😎

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