Where is the Inspector in Musescore 4?
I wanted to change the velocity of my dynamics in Muscore 4, as I would in Musescore 3. I cannot find the Inspector in Musescore 4 or other way to adjust the velocity and linear, ease in and out etc options. I would like to be able to click on a dynamic in my score, go to the Inspector and change the volume.
It's called "Properties" in Tab "Score", left column.
In reply to It's called "Properties" in… by [DELETED] 1307581
But when I highlight ppp at my score, Properties doesn't allow Playback adjustments. I can choose Playback for Fermata length adjustment, but no Velocity or other Playback adjustments for dynamics. Can dynamics Playback velocity be controlled anywhere else?
In reply to But when I highlight ppp at… by Shirly Lyubomirsky
No, it can't.
From what I gather a more note-per-note based velocity system will be introduced in a future update and it should incorporate the dynamics.
In reply to But when I highlight ppp at… by Shirly Lyubomirsky
Note-based velocity settings already work in the nightly builds. The plan is to improve this in future updates to make it very easy to control the volume of selections, but to keep all controls on the notes, not on the dynamics.
The way it works in currently nightly builds, the range of velocity is 1-127, and the default for all notes is 64. Confusingly, this does not mean the actual velocity is 64, ut's just how MuseScore represents the idea of "just obey the dynamic marking". Then if you want notes louder than the dynamic, set to a larger number; smaller numbers for quieter.
In the future this will change so the actual value of the dynamic will show as the default instead of 64.
In reply to Note-based velocity settings… by Marc Sabatella
Thanks Marc. Where do I get the latest nightly build, and do I need to delete the current Musescore 4 and then re-download musescore 4 nightly build and all the sound fonts fresh?
In reply to Thanks Marc. Whete do I get… by Shirly Lyubomirsky
You can download the nightly builds via the Download menu above on this site - click that, then Software then scroll down to the development builds section towards the bottom. You don't need to delete the beta, but, it really doesn't serve a purpose anymore once you have a more recent build. The sounds are updated through the same Muse Hub you already have - don't remove that.
In reply to You can download the nightly… by Marc Sabatella
Thanks Marc. I thought the nightly build are more susceptible to crashing and are just for testing. So you are saying I should just write music on the nightly build?
Here are some other issues I have had so far (i haven't switched to nightly builds) :
Legato over a few cello chords are not legato, both in vst and Muse Font.
I cannot copy and paste parts from Musescore 3 and paste them in Musescore 4, but I can upload complete scores from 3 to 4.
I recommend that the text options that can be added to the score with playback (legato, vibrato, etc) allow you to hover over it to see a definition.
Would be nice Marc if there was a video on the effect of all these text markings that are unique to brass or strings or woodwinds or percussion. I couldn't find an audio demo with real instruments making these effects. I play piano.
In reply to Thanks Marc. I thought the… by Shirly Lyubomirsky
It's important to keep in mind, MsueScore 4 is not released. All builds are just experimental and meant for testing only. But, in general, nightly builds are more recent than the beta and thus have more bug fixes applied. Occasionally some bug fix introduces a new bug, though, so it can be a little hit and miss. On average, most mightily builds are better than the beta builds though.
Not sure what you mean about legato and cello chords - do you mean triplet stops on cello? I wouldn't expect it's physically possible to play those legato!
It's true copy & paste doesn't work between versions, but you can open MsueScore 3 scores directly.
The idea of the tooltips for text markings containing more explanation is good, maybe someday that will be considered. I recommend suggesting it on GitHub, which is where issues for MsueScore 4 are being tracked (see the beta announcement for the link).
Videos showing different instrument techniques definitely exist, just search YouTube. These markings aren't made up by MuseScore, of course, so it doesn't have to be a MuseScore-specific video to hear what "col legno" means on violin (for example).
In reply to It's important to keep in… by Marc Sabatella
Thanks for the info. Regarding the slur issues, I figured out a problem that wasn't there in Musescore 3. My violin staff has fermatas while my cello staff didn't. So the cello tied notes were "disconnected sounding" because the fermatas from the violin staff caused the system measure to be longer, thus creating a time gap unaccounted for in the cello staff, resulting in cello pausing during the violin fermats. In Musescore 3 it seemed like fermatas in one staff sustain sound in the whole system. In Musescore 4, the fermatas seem to apply to the staff they r written on (sustaining sound) but create sustained silence on staffs they are not written on. So if the violin half note fermata is set at 200%, sounding the violin twice as long, the cello half note (without the fermata) would sound have as long with the other half silent.
Once I inserted fermatas in the cello the tied cello chords worked.
Regarding the nightly updates, I tried downloading it but when Musescore tries to load I get an error message.
In reply to Thanks for the info… by Shirly Lyubomirsky
What kind of error message? What does it say?
In reply to What kind of error message? … by Marc Sabatella
"Open error
Unknown file type."
When I press ok or I X it out, I'm still able to open everything
In reply to "Open error Unknown file… by Shirly Lyubomirsky
It's not really clear what you mean here. Are you saying that starting the nightly build itself generates that error, or that after starting the nightly build and then trying to open some partiocular score, that particular score shows that error? If the latter, please attach the score so we can investigate. But it sounds like you might have tried to open a file that was not in fact a MsueScore file at all.
In reply to It's not really clear what… by Marc Sabatella
The former. Not latter. When Musescore 4 uploads before I open a file, I get this message. But I can cross it out and all works.
In reply to The former. Not latter. When… by Shirly Lyubomirsky
What OS? On Windows, be sure you are opening the "exe" file for MuseScore. On Linux, it's the AppImage you want, although simpler if you first run it from the command line with the "install" option, so then you can run from a program icon. On macOS, you should get a program icon automatically.
If you still see this message, it suggests maybe MuseScore is trying to open an old score that is not actual a MSCZ file. Try Help / Revert to factory settings.
In reply to Note-based velocity settings… by Marc Sabatella
Hi! As I understand it, the ability to change the volume of the dynamics (forte, piano) and the volume of individual notes (velocity) still did not appear?
What are nightly builds and where can I download it? I couldn't find it on the official website!
I had to go back to MuseScore 3, edit all the velocity there, and go back to MuseScore 4 to continue editing
In reply to Hi! As I understand it, the… by RaptorTV
The need to set velocity in two different place s- dynamics for some things, notes for others - has been replaced on purpose, with all settings in the notes themselves. This is in the Properties panel, on the Playback tab. Note Muse Sounds does not currently support edited velocities.
Nightly builds can be accessed via the Download page on this site, just scroll down to where you see the development builds. But, there is no difference here - the features discussed are the same between the current release (4.0.1) and the nightlies. Eventually of course new features will be added, including additional controls for controlling velocity in a simpler manner.
In reply to Hi! As I understand it, the… by RaptorTV
Hi. Hope all are well. Attached is a screen shot of how I changed Velocity on individual notes. Choose note, click on Properties, click on Playback then the Velocity drop down will appear.
what about different dynamics on different piano hands? where is dynamic range setting, thx a lot
In reply to what about different… by Pojcharaphol B…
Not currently possible as at MS 4.0.2 - you'll have to wait for some subsequent release.
Or just use MS 3.6.2?