Musescore 4 crashes constantly

• Mar 1, 2023 - 21:33

Hi everyone, I've been using Musescore 4 a lot without much problem, but now it is starting to crash constantly when making any change to sheet music.

I can have a simple sheet music for 3 instruments, and when a detail is changed (something as small as an accent marking) MS4 crashes. If it withstands any sort of change in the sheet music, at the moment of saving (in my PC) it will certainly crash, not leaving a chance to work a single bit.

It has become quite frustating now, since there is no work around apparently.

My PC is a high-end one that runs more complex and heavy software, so I'm certain this is not a machine related issue, but a software one. Also, this occurs while not using MuseSounds, so it's not like playback is taking a huge toll on my PC.

Any way to solve this or do I have to wait for further releases?


Please attach your score which is crashing, because that will help people to investigate. What we need is the .mscz file.

In reply to by Andres.Cardenio

It is corrupt. A 4.0.2 pre-release shows:

Incomplete measure: Part score: Piano, measure 22, staff 1. Found: 0/1. Expected: 12/8.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Piano, measure 26, staff 1. Found: 0/1. Expected: 12/8.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Piano, measure 26, staff 2. Found: 0/1. Expected: 12/8.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Piano, measure 27, staff 1. Found: 0/1. Expected: 12/8.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Piano, measure 27, staff 2. Found: 0/1. Expected: 12/8.

What is the behavior you observe when a 'crash' happens? Or, how does it crash? Also, is your system Linux, macOS, Windows?

In reply to by sharpflite

I can also confirm that MuseScore 4 is extremely unstable. With every new minor release I hope that things get fixed but so far nothing changed. You can even open a new score with just tabs, create a lot of rests (e.g. 1/8 rest all over) and start hiding them by pressing v key. It will crash quite soon and reproducible.
There are many other ways to reproduce crashes and the score must not be corrupted to make it crash. I got used to press [Ctrl][S] after every successful change I was able to make (e.g. inserting a single note) since also often the automatic recovery does not work.

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