Random Notes not played in playback.

• Apr 24, 2023 - 16:39

Screenshot 2023-04-24 163731.png
The Circled notes are not being played.
This does not occur if I remove the chord in the treble line.
Dose anyone know a solution.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The right hand has to play whole notes - hit them at beat one with the pedal.
The lower left hand notes are tied, so they can be played similar with pedal.
The upper left hand notes can still be hit again at each beat, even if the pedal is pressed or not.
So my idea as a non-piano player ...

As noted, this doesn't really make sense, since you're asking the pianist to sustain the note but also play it multiple times. It's not physical possible, so piansits will usually decide to not sustain the whole note. Better then to just not write it. Write the rest of the chord but leave the G out of it.

FWIW, while results are kind of undefined when writing something like in MuseScore 4, you'll get different results depending on whether you use Muse Sounds or a soundfont. Muse Sounds prioritizes the sustained note and doesn't repeat the quarters. soundfonts will sacrifice the sustain to play the quarter. But again, better to just not ask the computer - or the player - to make that choice.

Also in the LH, don't write all those ties. The bottom note should simply be a whole note in voice 2, with the top note having the quarters.

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