Repeats and jumps

• Apr 24, 2023 - 13:28

Repeats and Jumps are not functioning


In reply to by 2rxbpeerai

Exactly as I said, you made the common mistake addng a coda sign where you should have added a "to coda". You can always edit the text to show the coda sign (using the Special characters palette), but you have to start with an actual to coda marking for the playback to understand that.

In reply to by 2rxbpeerai

D.S. al Coda means: Jump to "segno", play to "coda", continue at "codab". This is the default for a single occurrence. The "To Coda" has the label 'coda' and is a jump instruction. The jump target - the naked coda character - has the label 'codab' and is a marker. These are properties of these marks and jump instructions.
If you want to have another "D.S. al Coda" with other jumps, you have to change the properties of the second segno label to e.g. "segno2" and also rename the label of the second coda character into 'codac' and the jump instruction "D.S. al Coda", e.g. to "jump to segno2", play until "coda2", continue at "codac".

Of course, you should also rename the text of these labels, otherwise a human player will not know where to jump to. Changes to the text have no effect on the jumps and their destinations.

BTW: I noticed that in "Wir Musikanten" the staccatos are not rendered correctly and that you have entered slurs instead of (presumably) sustaining slurs in many places, however I don't know the piece.

Attached is a variant modified with version 3.6.2, as I believe it is correct.

Assuming from the score titel, you are a German. If so, there is also a german forum:

Attachment Size
WIR MUSIKANTEN_3.6.2.mscz 27.27 KB

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