Layout stretch shortcuts don't work on MuseScore 4
Increasing and decreasing layout stretch should be doable with the { and } shortcuts, but these don't work on MuseScore 4. I don't think the shortcut changed however, because accessing stretch through the format menu still shows { and } as being shortcuts. I've tried manually adding the shortcut (though technically I'm redefining it as the same shortcut it's already supposed to be) but this doesn't work. Is there any way around this, or is it just a temporary bug?
What keyboard layout?
The whole shortcut stuff is severely broken in Mu4
In reply to What keyboard layout? The… by Jojo-Schmitz
I'm on Mac
I also chose to do my most recent project in Mu 4. The new flow is awesome, but the layout is giving me trouble.
The attached example is a cello excerpt from a chamber piece. My intuition says I should be able to fit two bars per system at staff spacing 1.750 and A4 paper. But playing with layout stretch (yes, keyboard shortcut doesn't work, but neither does the dropdown menu, or the measure properties dialog) yields no results.
If I'm stuck, I'm stuck. But if anyone has an idea, I'm all ears. I'd hate to use a different paper size or staff spacing for just the cello part because of this one figure -- I'd rather it look a little cramped...
Thanks for any help,
In reply to I also chose to do my most… by
Ahhhh, PFFFFFFF. Such a newbie mistake. I had "Auto-Place" selected in the properties palette. I deselected that, and am now in business. Hope this helps someone else :)
In reply to Ahhhh, PFFFFFFF. Such a… by
example attached
In reply to example attached by
Ok, thanks for the thread.
I figured out how to turn off auto-place, go into the appearance menu and manually change the size of a bar. But is the stretch key combo ever going to come back?
In reply to Ok, thanks for the thread. I… by garyruschman
y'all are gonna love this. Because } is a shifted character, I always hit [shift] + [}] to try to adjust stretch. Turns out the [ and ] characters are making the adjustment --don't hit shift if you have been, and the keyboard shortcut will work!
In reply to y'all are gonna love this… by garyruschman
This is BRILLIANT!!! Thanks!
In reply to y'all are gonna love this… by garyruschman
Didn't work out for me. I also tried to redefine it as [ and ] with no luck.
OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.2-242570931, revision: 3130f97
I'm using a German keyboard layout. Changing to English didn't do the trick, eighter.
In reply to Didn't work out for me. I… by SlyDr
On my German keyboard layout ALT GR + 7 = { and ALT GR + 0 = }
In reply to On my German keyboard layout… by [DELETED] 1307581
Doesn't work out for me, in V3 and earlier versions of V4 it worked. If now I press ALT GR + 7 or 0 even the selection gets lost.
In reply to Doesn't work out for me, in… by SlyDr
... but today I tried to assign it to Strg + PAGE-UP and Strg + PAGE-DOWN.
Luckily this works on my Musescore installation
OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.2-242570931, revision: 3130f97