Musescore 4 not opening

• Jan 4, 2023 - 21:21

Musescore 4 does not open If the audio on your pc is set to any of the SteelSeries Sonar. Switching It to anything else fixes the problem and Musescore 4 will begin to work after.


I have never googled a technical problem and had it answered perfectly on the first link when what the issue turned out to be was this specific. Bravo & ty!

I have never thought that some random page with 2 replies would save my day. Thank you so much! I would have never solved this issue if it wasn't for you. Words cannot express how grateful I am for this.

I googled "Musescore 4 not working" and this was the first thing, and I just happen to be using Steelseries Sonar. That is the craziest thing.

Thank you so much for pointing this out, for the past 3 days I've been figuring out why it keeps crashing for me. Yeah, you have to choose one of the (Speakers) devices instead of (Steelseries Sonar - etc...). Gonna keep this saved for future reference.

Musescore 4, Windows 11, has worked fine for me for many months, but tonight something went wrong when I closed a score, and now it will not open. When I try to start it from its icon or from a score, all I get is a tiny stub on the taskbar. I have restarted Windows and reinstalled Musescore 4 (latest version) but it still will not open. I don't have SteelSeries Sonar (I have never heard of it), nor have I changed my audio setup in any way.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks. I uninstalled, then manually removed all remaining MS directories , then reinstalled, and I seem to be back in business. I didn't have any of my scores in MS directories, and I easily reintroduced my modest customizations. Perhaps such scrubbing should be an option in Uninstall.
I am also interested in when something like the mobile Score View will be available within MS for Windows devices, but I guess I should look for this elsewhere.

I don't have any of the SteelSeries Sonar and mine won't open.
I updated to 4.4.0 and it messed up my song as it made all the instruments to their default settings.

Tried to go back to 4.3.2 and now it won't open. Did a restore in Windows successfully but Musescore still won't open.

I tried everything suggested here and nothing helps me... I open the software the blue window appears for a second and immediately disappears, I don't know what to do

In reply to by AVI1

In Windows Explorer, enter %LOCALAPPDATA%\MuseScore into the address bar; that should bring you to a folder with a subfolder called MuseScore4. Could you compress that folder and upload the resulting ZIP file here?

Another thing you can try: we have made a test version of MuseScore that solves a couple of issues, and there is a slight chance that it solves this problem too. You can download it via, following the instructions from…. Would be great if you could let us know if that makes any difference.

In reply to by cbjeukendrup

Thanks for your continued concern. I solved the problem long ago by uninstalling, laboriously finding and deleting all traces of MS configuration, and reinstalling. But I would not like to have to go through this if the problem recurs, so I urge you to include the option of a total scrub in MS uninstall. Thanks again, MFN

In reply to by cbjeukendrup

I have attached the folder here.
I will note that since the last update, I have been full of bugs, starting with my language (Hebrew) that suddenly some of the software is written in Arabic or something like that. (I have a friend who also had this happen to him)
And I had other bugs that the software would open for me, and an error would appear that the file was not found, and for the file to open I would drag it into the software and that was the only way it would work.

In reply to by AVI1

> I have attached the folder here.

I don't see it unfortunately, could you please retry?

It is true that MuseScore 4.4 contained a couple of bugs, and when you are affected by multiple of them, that's of course extra bad. Many of them were caused by the update to Qt 6; this was a necessary update, because Qt 5 is ancient by now, but unfortunately Qt 6 was apparently not that stable. About how these bugs can slip through our testing: the problem is that they only manifest on specific computers under specific hardware and software circumstances, and of course we cannot test every possible combination.

Therefore, we release beta versions, especially for big updates like MuseScore 4.4. These betas allow people to test the new version on their own machines, so that they can warn us when they encounter bugs, before we release it to everyone. Often, the people who try out beta versions help us spot some more bugs which we can fix before the general release. But unfortunately that has apparently not happened with these bugs.

That issue about Hebrew: is that perhaps the same as what you see at
If yes, then it would be great if you could take a look at… (which is about the same problem, as it turned out to be not specific to Hebrew) and try the test versions mentioned there. Requires a GitHub account.

If people are still having issues with this, I was able to solve this behavior with a different set of steps. My MuseScore window somehow ended up off my screen making it appear like it wasn't loading. I would launch MuseScore, I would get the little splash screen, and then it would go away and I would get an empty task bar icon. Clicking it wouldn't do anything. I tried uninstalling and installing MuseScore and MuseHub several times but always got the same behavior.

I finally figured out that it was actually starting the program but the window was somehow out of site of any screen real estate. To fix the issue I launched MuseScore, waited for the splash screen to disappear then hovered my mouse over the task bar icon. When you get the "empty" preview screen above the icon, move the mouse pointer over that preview screen and right click. Then select "Move" from the popup menu. At this point, use the arrow keys on your keyboard. I personally had to use the left arrow and the MuseScore app window started moving onto my screen from the right. Once I got it onto my monitor, everything seemed to work normally again.

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