How to hide pedal or other lines?

• Jun 29, 2023 - 12:02

Hi, I'm still getting used to Musescore 4, and there are many things I haven't figured out yet. For example, how to hide the pedal line symbol (in a given bar, or preferably all bars in the score). Or how to hide any other things in the score, for that matter.

I found a section in the handbook for Musescore 4, but for some reason there only appears the title (for example "pedal properties"), and no explanation, so it is to no use for me:


  1. You can hide any element by selecting the object and pressing V on the keyboad. This toggles betrween Visible and Invisible.
  2. You can also right-click one element (e.g. Pedal line), then choose Select > Similar to have all elements of that type. Then press V to toggle them all.
  3. The Properties panel for any selected object also has a "Visible" property where you can disable or enable the object's visibility.

Click on the pedal marking, Go to the Properties tab (press F8 if the Properties tab is not showing). There are several options to tailor the appearance of the pedal/line.

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