New Instruments for MuseSounds in 4.X
I'd like to see if we can get a set of standards for Muse Sounds and let the community contribute, especially for folks looking for niche instruments- like me. Among the obviously missing instruments for Muse Sounds are...
- Alto Clarinet
- Bass Oboe
- Sarrusophones (SATBC)
- Piccolo Trumpet
- Bass Trumpet
- Soprano Trombone
- Alto Trombone
- Tenor Trombone
- Contrabass Trombone
- Euphonium
- Ocarina (SATBC)
- Panflute
- Pipe Organ (this instrument should have several sounds to it, including the Vox Humana)
- Handbells
What other instruments would people like to see? Let's collect ideas for Muse Sounds in this thread... Do note that according to Marc Sabatella, the plan is to publish a document describing how to create Muse Sounds, and how to create software to use them, as well as to promote third party development.
On GitHub, someone also suggested these...
- Lute
- Theorbo
- Recorders (SATB)
- Natural Horn
- Violas da Gamba
- Baroque strings (solo and sections)
On Discord, someone claimed they had access to several chinese traditional gongs, as well as these other instruments...
- Ondes Martenot
- Bass Oboe
- Oboe d'Amore,
- Tenor Bassoon
- Waterphone
- Toy Piano
- Morin Khuur
- Erhu
- Contrabass Clarinet
- Sopranino Sax
- Duduk
- Hulusi
- Minimoog
- Vibraphone
- Glockenspiel
- Marimba
- Suzuki Andes
- Sopranino Recorder
- Gemshorn
- Theremin
- Udu
- Vibraslap
- Contrabass Guitar
- Harmonium
Any further thoughts?
Yep I'm the guy from Discord, just commenting here so you can find me if needed.
In reply to Yep I'm the guy from Discord… by Light Music
Hi, which Theremin soundfont are you using?
I'm using this one at the moment -
In reply to Hi, which Theremin soundfont… by Philorganic
I'm not using soundfonts. I have the real instruments, and I play them.
In reply to I'm not using soundfonts. I… by Light Music
Sorry, I totally misunderstood.
I asked because I have recently started playing the Theremin and have only found the one soundfont to work with :-)
In reply to Yep I'm the guy from Discord… by Light Music
Hi may I please join the discord?
In reply to Hi may I please join the… by songwriter X
Sure, no need to ask for permissions
In reply to Sure, no need to ask for… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you! how do I join it?
In reply to Thank you! how do I join it? by songwriter X
Just go to
In reply to Just go to https://discord… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you! my user on discord is OneWhoGetsBread
In reply to Just go to https://discord… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hello again,
The link doesn't appear to work... may you please resend it? Thank you!
In reply to Hello again, The link doesn… by songwriter X
It does for me. But see… and
In reply to Yep I'm the guy from Discord… by Light Music
Hi I would like a harmonium
All of the instruments in a British Brass Band. At the moment there are only Tuba, Bass Trombone and Trombone. Adding Soprano Cornet, Cornet, Flugel Horn, Tenor Horn, Baritone and Euphonium would be excellent.
In reply to All of the instruments in a… by michael_wolter
I agree. Having good quality brass would be ideal.
In reply to All of the instruments in a… by michael_wolter
Totally agree. I have tried working the new sound fonts into brass band scores and not been able to get anything even close to as good as the basic sound fonts. The "orchestral brass" sounds are also significantly quieter (perhaps more subtle) and just get lost in the mix with the basic instruments.
I agree. As someone who regularly writes music for Organ and Handbells to be used professionally and panflute and ocarina for myself, I think these would be magnificent additions. It has always been a struggle to listen through either handbell or organ pieces I am working on without physically playing them, as they both have unique complexities that the likes of Midi will never understand. Being able to work with either official or community made muse sounds for these instruments would be amazing!
In reply to I agree. As someone who… by crgbrntt1
I've actually incorporated a panflute part into my Winterbright Symphony, so you can be sure I'm hoping to see it added.
In reply to I agree. As someone who… by crgbrntt1
I second the need for a good HandBell font or addition to MuseSounds!
In reply to I agree. As someone who… by crgbrntt1
I've been using SINEfactory Crucible for organ in pieces like say Bach's cantatas. That's probably the closest you can get until Muse Sounds Organ is a thing.
A contrabass trombone and alto trombone would be nice.
In reply to A contrabass trombone and… by TheTrombone18
Added to the original post along with the Tenor Trombone
In reply to PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD… by TheTrombone18
You're capslock key is stuck
In reply to PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD… by TheTrombone18
Added to the original post.
I personally was composing something using the Shakuhachi, but with the new version it is now missing, it would be great to have it back ç__ç
In reply to I personally was composing… by spemeaeterna3
After a more in-depth understanding of the 4.0 Version, I discovered it is still possible to use the old instruments that were present in the previous version, but getting the remake (if the soundfont was already present) or the addition of the soundfont for all the Instruments that were mentioned in your post is still a goal worth pursuing
Concerning the early music instruments, I have been working on a very large collection of Baroque SoundFonts, some of which are originals from the Bate Collection of Oxford University, others from my own which I have amassed over the past several years. I was working on it before version 4 was released, but I believe it will be a rather impressive library. It will include the instruments you listed, among others. I don't know when it will be complete, as I am rather busy in my own life. Hopefully, it will be completed by spring.
Some other obscure instruments / possible sounds id love to see
Hecklephone for Wagner Operas
Garklein Recorder
Keyboard Glockenspiel (used by Handel and Mozart)... could possibly be made by adding a loop on the glockenspiel sound in polyphone
Bongang tuned gongs from Gamelan
Zheng mouth organ
Voiceflute, Recorder in D
How about a Sax Section / Clarinets Tutti / Clarinet + Bassoon?
In reply to Some other obscure… by songwriter X
Yes, I would love a Keyboard Glockenspiel sound, though I expect that will be very hard cause I heard that there's only like 1 that has survived or some really low number like that. Mozart's The Magic Flute has 3 such glockenspiels in the instrumentation.
In reply to Yes, I would love a Keyboard… by Caters
If someone is able to sample it that would be amazing !!!
In reply to Some other obscure… by songwriter X
...we should probably also have Flutes, Oboes, and Bassoons playing Tutti
It wouldn't be bad if muse sounds would include the jaz double bass
Hi guys, the new sound fonts in Muse Hub are nice, but I don't find electric guitar, electric bass and drum set there ? For rock music they would be indispensable. Are they coming soon or there is no plan for them?
So far, they have everything needed for a typical orchestra. Only adding a few instruments would make it complete for concert band:
Also, marching percussion, and alongside that it would be cool to get sounds for marching instruments, like:
-Baritone (could just be euphonium)
A lot of people want some solid guitar sounds, too, and that could be really cool
-Electric Guitar
And then one big one, not a new instrument I guess, but using sounds from a range of different instruments.
-Basic Musescore sounds had a 'Percussion' instrument with a bunch of different sounds. It would be cool if we could do that in MS4 with the 'percussion' instrument, and instead of saying 'change instrument', its just a bunch of the percussion sounds in one instrument. Basically Auxiliary percussion. It's used in concert band, marching band, orchestra, etc... I hope that makes sense.
In reply to So far, they have everything… by JonasEM
Yep, there should be an Euphonium, for sure...
In reply to So far, they have everything… by JonasEM
We should probably have at least two types of acoustic guitars; nylon- and steel-stringed
The score for "Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan" has several unconventional instruments:
* Penny Whistle
* Blaster Beam
* Fender Rhodes
* Synthesizers: ARP 2600, CS80, Jupiter 8, Serge
* Aluminophone
* Death knell
* Metal Angklung
* Rub rods
* Trans celeste
* Tubophone
* Plastic pipes
* Sizzle cymbal
* Bull's roar
* Korean wood slapper
* Waterphone
In reply to The score for "Star Trek II … by leonardo.mesqu…
Unfortunately, many of those instruments (such as the Rub Rods and Transceleste) were made by the percussionist Emil Richards and don't exist outside of his collection, so it's highly unlikely that they'll be sampled any time soon.
In reply to Unfortunately, many of those… by Tago_Scores
We have sampled a new (old) instrument: Castilian Dulzaina. Some examples:
Playing popular songs:
Playing Bach melodies:
We have created a new soundfont with Polyphone, and we would like to add it to the "Ms Basic.sf3" soundfont database with a bank and program number assignation. Would anyone help us to know how should we proceed?
What about the elephant in the room: The solo double-bass?
In reply to What about the elephant in… by bardantjean-x1
Yes, for something like Schubert's Trout Quintet, this would be nice. I mean, I'm currently using just the MS Basic one cause I hardly ever notice the double bass anyway, but still, why wouldn't you record a solo double bass if you record section and solo of all the other string instruments?
I think a new set of Jazz winds and Marching Band winds would be awesome, along with some more percussion
In reply to I think a new set of Jazz… by augie2119
Marching snare
Marching basses
Marching tenors
Marching cymbals
Flugal Horn
Finger cymbals
More variety in the axillary percussion in general to be honest.
Cellos would be nice. The only thing I can find is the violoncello.
In reply to Cellos would be nice. The… by beniegenie
The full proper name for cellos is just that.
In reply to The full proper name for… by bobjp
Ohhhhhh. That makes more sense. I feel better now.
A few to add to the list:
1.) Solo Contrabass
2.) Steel Drums
3.) Xylorimba
I think the ranges of certain instruments for Muse Sounds should perhaps be extended upward, like the Trumpet
In reply to I think the ranges of… by okaywhatthe98
Maybe certain instruments could also have their ranges extended downward, like the Tuba
In reply to Maybe certain instruments… by okaywhatthe98
Like, Idk, it feels weird when yellow notes don't sound in Muse Sounds; I know they're not part of the basic range, but they'd still be nice to have
In reply to Like, Idk, it feels weird… by okaywhatthe98
...apparently, not even the lowest Trumpet notes (which, mind you, are black notes) sound in Muse Sounds
Cornets would also be nice
Maybe also more ensembles (say, 2 and 4 French Horns?)
I almost forgot; Muse Sounds reallly lacks in guitars and whatnot as far as I saw
In reply to I almost forgot; Muse Sounds… by okaywhatthe98
Not anymore lol
...maybe we could also have Sousaphones? They have a brighter timbre than Tubas
Unrelated, but I think the Bb6 (concert pitch) Piccolo trill should be fixed (I noticed how it starts later than it should0
In reply to Unrelated, but I think the… by okaywhatthe98
Please create a new discussion, thanks!
As a newcomer, I'm impressed by the instrument library already, but I suppose I'll throw in a few suggestions. What about a gittern ( with three to five courses)? Also, the musical saw is neat, but we're lacking more bowed metallophones. A nail violin and waterphone would be a fine addition, I think, and I'm not the first to ask for the latter. As a last thought, what about including the citole, too?
There is also a lack of ethnic music instruments, such as buzuki, duduk, tar, kamancha, naghara, dhol, tabla, darbuka, saz, mandoline
Hi, New here!
Really appreciate all the work that went into version 4 and all the new instruments. Would really love to have a steel drum band, I have a calypso piece needing one! Probably too much to ask though.
Another request would be a Hang Drum.
Thanks so much
You're lucky - for reason unknown - I can no longer get ANY option to change the AudioFX....
.... please, how is one meant to access Musesounds?.... and to leave such as default?
Thank you.
In reply to You're lucky - for reason… by Bebbspoke
Please create a new discussion, thanks!
I would like, if possible, to add a new woodwind instrument whose name is dulzaina ( or for english version). It is mainly used for folklore. As it is a non-well know instrument let me give some examples:
- Folk example:
- Non folk example:
There are several "minor" versions: Valencian, Castilian, Aragonese, catalan with different transpositions ( Augmented fifth, ... )
Kind Regards
In reply to Hi I would like, if possible… by pacebes
Request this on GitHub
In reply to Request this on GitHub by Jojo-Schmitz
I have created a feature request ( ) to support his instrument.
Any help or ideas to try to include this instrument in the next MuseScore version would be appreciated!
Kind Regards
All great ideas! I definitely could use alto clarinet, heckelphone (or bass oboe), tenor tuba (maybe like Wagner Tubas?), recorders, harmonium, and pipe organ!
In reply to All great ideas! I… by ccblizzardone
I recently sampled my Soprano and Tenor Recorders is there a way I could send them to the Musescore team so they could use them in the Basic Soundfont?
Gamelan please
Expand on the TUBA family Instruments and sound and note range.
Ie Eb tuba , the C, F .
Euphonium (Bb) already mentioned.
The Brass Band scores are notated/transposed in Treble Clef for tuba. Other Concert band, Orchestra parts are
in Bass Clef, concert pitch.
I using Musescore for practice of parts, have to substitute other brass to cover the range or sound.
I would personally love to see the recorders represented as well; anything from sopranino down to bass would be lovely, although even lower would be nice (contrabass, sub-contrabass, and so on); garklein would probably be overkill.
Renaissance instruments in general would be heavenly (the crumhorn family, the dulcian, cornetto, chalumeau, shawms, cittern, if not already in there, et cetera); gemshorns would certainly be nice.
Japanese gagaku instruments, such as the sho, would be nice as well.