Change Tempo or Time signature after Score Created
If I've created a score, and realize I have the tempo wrong, can I change it? If so, how?
Same for time signature - if so, how?
I don't see a way to change these. I just throw away my score and start over.
To change tempo:
To change the time signature:
In reply to To change tempo: https:/… by Jm6stringer
Thank you. This seems like it is an "override" of the default settings for the song. So there's no way to just change it such that you chose that when you created the file?
In reply to Thank you. This seems like… by tombest610
If there is a tempo at the top left (quarter note = number) I believe you can just click in there and edit the number value.
In reply to Thank you. This seems like… by tombest610
If you didn't specify a tempo when you set up the score, the default will be 120bpm. If you did set a different tempo when you set up the score, it will show as quarter note ( if you did use that) = (the bpm you set. To change bpm, select the number (blue surrounds it) and type a new value. If you did not change the default. Select the first measure and select an entry from the tempo palette. Then modify it to the tempo you want.
For time signature, select the old signature, or place where you want a new one, and double click a new signature from the palette.