• Jun 15, 2020 - 06:37

In piano mode I originally had two voices in the right hand. I removed one, but it leaves pause notes, which I cannot get rid of. How do I do this?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Frankly its a unintuitive really design tho, at least for me. Its not a bad option to have in settings but its extremely hard to navigate as the default. Its much preferable to have nothing there until I put in a rest manually. But the rest itself isn't even always necessary. Like if I'm notating This Land is Your Land its absurd for me to put in all the rests before the lead in. And just starting to use the program now I have been working on it for 20 minutes and haven't been able to get passed these first three notes cause its putting all these pauses after.

In reply to by akivalev

Music is read from left to right, and that's how it's written. Nothing absurd about that; you just need to realize that a music notation program, you're expected to work in music notation directly, So just enter the notes and rests you want left to right, same as you would with pencil and paper. Then it all works very simply. See for instance my tutorial here:

In reply to by akivalev

You wrote:
Like if I'm notating This Land is Your Land its absurd for me to put in all the rests before the lead in.

Well, if the song is in 4/4 and you want the lead-in ("This land is") as a pickup measure comprised of 3 beats then change the measure's actual duration to 3 beats.
(MuseScore 4 handbook)
(MuseScore 3 handbook - much better with an example)

Sounds like you now have notes in voice 2 and none in voice 1. Use Tools / Voices to exchange voices 1 & 2, then you can remove voice 2 rests.

If that's not it, as mentioned, please attach the score.

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