Export PDF -> wrong layout

• Aug 3, 2023 - 21:51

Hello. I'm exporting a multi-part score to separate PDFs. I have it formatted using 4-bar lines.

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 16.47.24.png

When I export, MS4 is not obeying my formatting beyond a certain point (bar 9) in the piece, after which it's all squished together (except for the guitar part, where MS4 behaves correctly).

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 16.46.33.png

Any ideas on how I can remedy this?


It's impossible to tell from a picture. That just demonstrates the symptoms. Please attach the score (.mscz file) so that the underlying cause can be diagnosed.

The formatting of the main score (including system breaks) does not copy over from the main score to the parts. You will have to add the system breaks also to the parts.

In reply to by divided-words

You must add the system breaks in the individual parts while viewing/editing each individual part

Adding them in the score only affects the score. This makes sense as while viewing the score you would not be able to see the effect of the breaks in the parts. Also you are generally unlikely to want breaks in the score in the same places as in the parts.

In reply to by SteveBlower

I'm quite new to MS. I didn't know there was a way to view/edit parts individually. How does one do that? I assume it's not just the eye icons in the instruments panel, because when I look at parts individually that way, the formatting marks from the score are there too, cascaded downwards so-to-speak. Likewise, when I strip the formatting marks from the score, and then re-add them to an individual part, they appear in every other part and at the score level.

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