Command-line arguments in version 3.7 ?

• Aug 1, 2023 - 21:42

In v3.6.2, this worked (exports PDF):
"C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\bin\MuseScore3.exe" -o Hora.pdf Hora.mscx
However it doesn't work using v3.7, neither 64 nor 32 bit:
"C:\Apps\MuseScore-3.7.0\bin\MuseScore3.exe" -o Hora.pdf Hora.mscx
"C:\Apps(x86)\MuseScore-3.7.0\bin\MuseScore3.exe" -o Hora.pdf Hora.mscx
Is this because 3.7 is portable and not installed ? Any suggestions on how to make it work the same ?
(Windows 11 and 10)


3.7 is not really portable, but a development build, it does, unlike PortableApps, create settings files outside its own directory.
But anyway, this is, or should be, unrelated to the issue at hand, command line options should just work the same as in 3.6, I'm not aware of any changes in this area.

You could instead use the Batch Convert plugin.

Thanks, will try the plug-in next time I need to batch convert. Meantime, some clarification:
Some command-line options do work in 3.7 ( / ca2865a), eg, -h and -v
But I verified the bug on a different PC (also Win-10) using mscz. Worked on installed v3.6.2 and 4.1

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