Repeat music multiple times
I have put in repeat bar lines and want the piece to play 4 times.
I managed to find bar properties and put the play count to 4.
But it still only plays it twice.
In another forum question it mentioned changing something in 'Volta's repeat list' but I can not find this.
I put a line above the bar and changed the numbers to 1. 2. 3. 4 But still it didn't work.
When I used the line (first time bar) above the bar I found a Volta menu but it didn't mention a repeat list
I looked at the inspection panel but couldn't find anything there.
Can you guide me please.
It often helps if you attach your score (*.mscz file) to your post. Without a score it's difficult to do more than guess...
In reply to It often helps if you attach… by DanielR
Thanks for looking. Once I have learnt this I will be able to transfer it to my other pieces. It is a great programme.
But you will see my piece is not repeating as I have written it.
I have clicked on bar properties and changed the number
And clicked on Voltra and looked at the inspector and added numbers there. Tried separating numbers with comma, space, full stops but still didn't work.
In the case of a simple repeat, where more than one repeat is needed, right-click on the measure containing the end repeat barline and select Measure properties. Adjust Play count so that it is equal to the number of times you want the section to play back.
Have a listen:
4 times.mscz
In reply to In the case of a simple… by Jm6stringer
Your example works perfectly and is what I had done. But my example is not doing that.
As you will see I have ended up putting a Voltra line up so it repeats 3 times and then moves to a second Votra for the fourth time. But that is not what the play back is doing.
If you can explain this, then I will have all the information I need to transfer the skill to other pieces.
In reply to Your example works perfectly… by Formezte
Your repeat count in measure properties is set to only 2 (not 4). And repeat list of first volta should not contain 4.…
In reply to Your repeat count of the… by Mr Fox
I have made the changes you suggested.
Thank you for answering. I was working on the piano part where I had changed it to 3. So I changed it on the main page and yes finally that is now playing 3 times. BUT instead of it jumping to the third time bar, it plays the second time bar AND the third time bar.
In reply to I have made the changes you… by Formezte
Look at your Volta 1 Repeat List in the Inspector, where you have set it to 1,2,3,4.
If you set the Repeat List to 1,2 this should play as you intend.
I have just come back to this thread as I don't need it often and I had forgotten. Thanks again to you all as your comments have helped me get it right again.
BUT on this attachment of Summer Wind
It does four repeats as requested. But then does not jump to the fourth time bar. It stops dead at bar 15. What am I missing doing?
Many thanks
In reply to I have just come back to… by Formezte
The score stems from MuseScore 3.3.4 (Microsoft Store version?), better update to 3.6.2 (not available in the store, see #313298: MuseScore in Microsoft Store is outdated, still at 3.3.4; remove link on Download page)
The 4th volta has a repeat list of "1,2,3" rather than "4", that is the actual problem.
In reply to The score stems from… by Jojo-Schmitz
Many many thanks.
In reply to Many many thanks. by Formezte
Posted by mistake.
In reply to The score stems from… by Jojo-Schmitz
I am using muse score 4.1. I looked at the instruction page of volta which showed how to make a score repeat in different ways. I am afraid it was a bit overwhelming. meaning, I could not understand well. However I found this thread which didn't help me entirely as it was based on an old version of Muse Score.
The score i am attaching is rather long, it is an arrangement I am working on from a 17th century Cantata.
It has 3 sections: the first one is the longest. It has an A-B A form but I just copied the A after the B
Section 2 is called Recitado which is played once
My problem is in Section 3; it is called Seguidillas. measures 73 to 99 are a problem in two ways:
1. a. visuals: This part needs to repeat 4 times. (there are 4 verses I will be adding the other 3 later). I do nto see how to notate the repeat measures properly. The measure which is now designated 1 should say 1.2.3 and the measure afterwards should say 4. I need to not only to do the repeats in midi, but it is also a score I will be playing with others. I can only see 1 OR 2 OR 3 and not 4 at all. So I need to visually correct this
1.b. midi playing: I need to score to play repeating 4 times with measure 99 being the 1st, 2nd and 3rd endings (with different words) and measure 100 being the 4th ending which goes on after a bit of rest to the Del Segno.
I looked at measure properties (by right click) and saved the measure there as repeating 4 times, but it only repeats twice before going to the Del Segno al Fine.
(After section 3 section 1 is repeated from the Del Segno until Fine (the A part is only played once). )
Thanks for any tips. Allegres Luces V4.mscz
In reply to I am using muse score 4.1. I… by jlp56
It is necessary but not sufficient to change only in the measure properties the value for "Play Count", you must also change the volta properties.
Select the first volta and change the repeat list there to "1,2,3" and for display also the text.
Then select the second volta and set the repeat list to "4" and also the text.
The text is only the hint for the musician and has otherwise no effect on the play sequence.
See the attached score, saved with MuS 3.6.2.
BTW: I can't assign the ranges A, B, etc. Next time use the rehearsal markers to clarify.
In reply to It is necessary but not… by HildeK
i do not understand HOW I change either the text or the repeats on this. If I dubble click on the measure I see and am able to change this (see foto).. WHERE do I enter 1.2.33 for the text and 1,2,3 for
the midi instructions?
see picture
In reply to i do not understand HOW I… by jlp56
o aomethign went wrong here, the picture didn't appear but some notice. hmm just a minute
In reply to o aomethign went wrong here,… by jlp56
In reply to [inline:foto of things I can… by jlp56
this is what I mean. Where do `i put those instructions in?
In reply to this is what I mean. Where… by jlp56
and... were do I find a "volta" in the properties? I only found (under the properties tab) r"epeats "and that does not give the word volta nor the possibility to change how it looks
In reply to and... were do I find a … by jlp56
See the picture made with 3.6.2. I have circled the relevant settings. Probably it looks a bit different in MuS4 but you should find the fields.
In reply to this is what I mean. Where… by jlp56
Not in this menue but in the properties of the volta itself.
Click on the volta line to select it and check the properties, probably pressing F8 will work.
I cannot give you exact instructions for MuS 4 because I'm using still version 3.
Check the handbook:
In reply to Not in this menue but in the… by HildeK
I need someone with Muse Score 4 to help me. I looked up the instructio s about voltas. this iw what I copied from that
"Adding voltas to your score
It says to copy the lines palatte but there I only see foto 1 & 2
In reply to I need someone with Muse… by jlp56
2.what exact instructions do I need to do to make the repeats.
I tried to edit various volta lines, but I could NOT change the text OR the way it was played.
As a reminder, I want section 3 to PLAY 3 times from measure 72 including measure 99 and repeat (the fourth time) from 72 up to measure 99 then skip to measure 100
I am not seeing the word volta anywhere, except in the manual; I am not able to edit the text of the repeat signs. So Please someone who has Muse score 4.1 answer my question, if possible
Thanks a lot in advance!
In reply to which one do I click on to… by jlp56
You are in the wrong menu. Do not try to change the voltas in the palette! They are initially predefined for a first and a second repetition for the simplest application: a repetition with two different endings.
Therefore you have to adjust some values of the Volta property here, especially the repeat list. This list defines in which pass which ending should be played.
Once you have placed Volta 1 and 2 in your score, select them there (the line turns blue, as in my picture) and look at the properties of each volta used.
I'm afraid I don't know exactly what this looks like in MuS 4, but it's certainly possible there too!
There are three places that need to be changed. The first is the number of repeats in the measure properties - you got it right. And the second is the "Repeat list" list as I described. The third is only text, so you can see it on the music sheet.
Did my enclosed score not meet your expectations?
In reply to You are in the wrong menue… by HildeK
In your post above are the following instructions - that is the important section:
If required, specify the playback sequence by editing the "Repeats list" In the "Style" of the "Volta" section of the Properties panel. Enter a series of numbers, separated by commas;
If required, ensure that the correct Play count is indicated in Measure properties."
In reply to In your post above are the… by HildeK
I read that and tries but my problems are:
1. I do not see a word which says volta section.
2a. but how do I edit it? it doesn't let me change anything in the actual score, except the length of the line.How do I get the1,2,3 in there to work the midi part and the 1.2.3. visual text above for players?
In reply to I read that and tries but my… by jlp56
Don't search in the palettes!
Select the volta already set in your score, press F8 for the volta properties and search there for the repeat list.
In reply to which one do I click on to… by jlp56
You need to change both the volta text and the volta repeat list in the Properties panel.
In the score, click on the volta (line) and change values in the Properties panel.
For text to appear under the volta line, enter the text in the Properties panel (click 'Text'):
The repeat list is also changed in the Properties panel (click 'Style'):
The repeat list specifies the sequence of the alternate endings.
In reply to You need to change both the… by Jm6stringer
Thanks for showing how it looks in MuS 4.
It is not necessary to change the text for the correct flow in MuseScore, but it is necessary for the musician to play it. MuseScore only respects the 'Repeat list'.
In reply to @Jm6stringer: Thanks for… by HildeK
Technically true.
Also, MuseScore does not need lyrics, but necessary for the singers.
So, I think it's probably best to include such types of text in the score.
The OP can choose to delete volta text and/or lyrics if musicians will not be playing and/or singers will not be singing from the score.
Conversely, it is not necessary to modify the 'Repeat list' if the score is strictly for printing/viewing and not intended for playback within MuseScore.
To be clear, from the handbook (
"The beginning and continuing text (and their vertical offsets) can be edited in the "Text" tab of the "Volta" section. This is an indication only and does not affect playback of the volta."
"The actual playback is affected by the entry in the "Repeat list" (Volta: Style). This consists of a series of numbers each followed by a comma (the last comma is omitted)."
In reply to Technically true. Also,… by Jm6stringer
hi, thanks for all your comments. I finally found what do to, [ A short aside to those who gave these hints: After selecting the repeat measure sign (which turned blue) the shortcut F8 does not work on a MAC. Just right clicking on the repeat/volta sign did not help me. I got an unrelated menu. Those short cuts might or might not work with muse score 4.1 on a Windows. You guys said it did so that will help someone else.]
What WORKED finally (and gave another problem after that)
The comment that helped me the most was someone who said I needed to look at the PROPERTIES PANEL AFTER selecting the volta (repeat measure) sign I finally saw the word volta. There it DOES have the opportunity to change the text and the style. The word style gave the oppostunity to program how the playback will work. the word text gave the opportunity to change the actually text shown, So I put that 1,2,3 in the STYLE of the volta sign, properties panel by clicking on and the 1.2.3. in the TEXT of first volta . For the second volta I put 4 for the style and 4. for the text.
This made it play as it should and it went on smoothly to the end of the page.
Then I encountered a new problem, involving the DS al fine at the end (measure 100) I will describe it in the next replay to this thread.
In reply to hi, thanks for all your… by jlp56
To illustrate the next repeat problem:
I added D S al Fine to last measure (100) of the score. Measure 100 includes the pick-up note for the Segno part and the tempo change of that part. Then I put the Segno sign on the beginning measure 40 and the Fine at the end of measure 61 (which ends the whole piece) . The visuals are in place. However, I might end up sometimes performing with only the midi, so I need it to to work properly.
What does happen now: it just plays (after the 4 repeats in section C) up to nealy the end of measure 100, but leaves out the pick-up note ans does not to to the Segno sign,
So how do I get this to work properly.? PLEASE only answer this problem if you are with Muse Score 4.1 and preferably if you use a MAC computer or laptop.
In reply to To illustrate the next… by jlp56
Earlier you wrote:
For the second volta I put 4 for the style and 4. for the text.
That second volta is missing from your recent attachment. Why is it gone?
Also, after you put that volta back...
Set the 'Play count' of measure 98 (i.e., the measure with the 1.2.3. volta) to 4. See:
and look for 'Play count'.
In reply to Earlier you wrote: For the… by Jm6stringer
hi, Thanks so much for looking at this!!!! I do not know what happened to the second volta. I must have not saved it. Anyway here it is back again. I made the correction you mentioned:
Under the volta 1.2.3. is the playback instruction now: 1,2,3,4 and under the volta 4 I put 1 as it is only played once. Is this correct? Did I choose the wrong volta sign? It just stops at the end of the page.
It should go on to the end of the page and then skip to the Segno (measure 40. and stop at end of measure 62 where the Fine sign is.
I was not sure if I put the correct Properties by the DS al Fine, Sgno and fine signs.
Here is the file again corrected.
In reply to hi, Thanks so much for… by jlp56
Do you remember writing this?
The comment that helped me the most was someone who said I needed to look at the PROPERTIES PANEL AFTER selecting the volta (repeat measure) sign I finally saw the word volta. There it DOES have the opportunity to change the text and the style. The word style gave the oppostunity to program how the playback will work. the word text gave the opportunity to change the actually text shown, So I put that 1,2,3 in the STYLE of the volta sign, properties panel by clicking on and the 1.2.3. in the TEXT of first volta . For the second volta I put 4 for the style and 4. for the text.
Well, the important takeaway from that is to understand the difference between Volta style and text.
As you wrote:
"The word style gave the oppostunity to program how the playback will work."
Okay, and so, as you wrote, you "put that 1,2,3 in the STYLE of the volta". That's wonderful!
Now you write:
Under the volta 1.2.3. is the playback instruction now: 1,2,3,4...
For clarity, the proper term is: "Repeat list" -- as seen in the Properties panel under Volta > Style.
There is no 'literal' term there that mentions "playback instruction", but rather "Repeat list".
I see that you have changed that "Repeat list'" from 1,2,3 to 1,2,3,4. Why would you do that if you want that volta taken on the first, second, and third times? First, second, and third means 1,2,3 -- yes? So why add 4???
...and under the volta 4 I put 1 as it is only played once.
Agggh!... you had it correct earlier!
The other volta (4.) gets played the fourth time through, so put the number 4 in the "Repeat list" for that volta.
This "Repeat list" sequence is important because sometimes alternate endings (voltas)
may be played in an out-of-order sequence like this:
Be aware that all the above relates only to the "Repeat list", and not the "Beginning text" which is found under Volta >Text and does not affect playback in MuseScore (though it affects how human musicians will play the voltas - when reading the notation from a printed score).
Now that we're done with the Properties panel, there is one more item to adjust: the Play count.
and look for Play count.
So, in your score you need to right click on an empty spot in measure 98 (the measure with the 1.2.3. volta) and change the Play count to 4.
From the handbook:
"The play count of the measure with the end repeat barline must be set one higher than the number of times you want the measure to play (this is usually equal to the number of entries in that volta repeat list + 1)."
In reply to Do you remember writing this… by Jm6stringer
Hi! thanks for your patience. I had to read about five times until I understood. But now the repeats are playing correctly.
In reply to Hi! thanks for your patience… by jlp56
My next problem is: I put the instructions to go from the end bar (100)(where I have D S al fine) to bar 40 (the Segno) and end at the Fine.
I looked at the properties and I thought I did it correctly. There were some instructional parts on the properties of these measures. Did I fill that in wrongly?
In reply to My next problem is: I put… by jlp56
the fine measure is 62
In reply to the fine measure is 62 by jlp56
Even if you don't want to have answers from a 3.6.2 user: Your properties of the 'D.S. al Fine' and the 'Fine' label were changed manually and are therefore wrong. For the 'D.S. al Fine', there should be no entry provided under 'continue at' and for the 'Fine', the marker type is missing. This is the cause.
Just delete both entries and set them again from the palette. Do not change their properties. For such standard jumps their predefined settings are already correct.
In reply to Even if you don't want to… by HildeK
ok, I'll try that right now.
In reply to ok, I'll try that right now. by jlp56
I do not know about marker type, I have no idea what that might mean. I hope that fills in autmaticaly as well.
In reply to I do not know about marker… by jlp56
i saw marker type in the properties. it did fill in automatically.
In reply to i saw marker type in the… by jlp56
issue seems to be solved. the DS al fine worked and stopped as it should.
In reply to issue seems to be solved… by jlp56
You wrote:
I looked at the properties and I thought I did it correctly. There were some instructional parts on the properties of these measures. Did I fill that in wrongly?
That stuff works without mucking about in the Properties panel. There was no need to customize anything.
Follow HildeK's advice and delete, then re-enter those elements.
and look at the picture for #7 -- Status bar. It states:
"The left-hand side displays useful information about the score when one or more elements are selected."
The status bar is useful. Click on anything in the score and read what information the Status bar offers.
In reply to i saw marker type in the… by jlp56
Yes it does. D.S. al Fine or D.S. al Coda are jump instructions to a segno marker.
Where to jump to is defined in the properties, but there is a sensible default value in these statements and also in the jump destination.
If you want to use such a instruction, you just have to put the instruction and the jump destination in the score and it works.
Just put in an empty score D.S. al Fine, D.S. al Coda and 'To Coda' and also the jump destinations 'Segno' and 'Coda' and look at their properties. For example, D.S. al Coda says: Jump to segno, Play until Coda, Continue at codab. You have to tell Musescore where to jump to, where to play until and where to continue. A musician may be able to understand this more flexibly, but a program needs clear instructions.
Only if there are several different such statements, it may be necessary to adjust the names of the jump destinations.
In reply to Yes it does. D.S. al Fine or… by HildeK
Thanks. What does Codeab mean in the "continue at codeab" above?
In any case, It turned out that I didn't need to fiddle with the properties for the DS etc.. The reason it didn't work was because section C I did not enter the repeats to the properties correctly for Muze Score. When that was sorted out and the original words were re-entered for the DS it plays as it should.
Originally, I actually wanted to make more complicated instructions. But to simplify matters I just copied the whole of the A section onto A1 to make it A B A1 with a final ending. This was also to serve as a del segno section to the end.
At some time in the future I will do some trying out of those kind of internal jumps. With a short dummy.
In reply to Thanks. What does Codeab… by jlp56
> What does Codeab mean in the "continue at codeab" above?
Correct: codab
This is just a name, the name of the coda character where should be jumped to later.
When you click on this icon
in your score, you can see its default name: 'codab'.
So, for example, if you type "D.S. al Coda", the program will jump to the segno sign with the label name "segno". This is the first entry.
Then it goes on to the label 'To Coda' with the name 'coda'. This is the 'play until' part of "D.S. al Coda".
Finally, the third action is performed: 'Continue at: codab'. This is the name of the marker for the coda character that will be jumped to.
So far, all predefined names have been used here. You should not change them without a good reason.
However, instead of 'codab' you can also use 'Charlie' or whatever. But then you have to rename the 'Continue at' as well as the coda label itself. Renaming labels may be necessary if you have complex scores using several different jumps. But be aware: musicians should also understand how to play the sequence correctly - so: keep it simple!
(It is difficult to explain this in a foreign language - I hope you will understand it nevertheless)
See also here:
And see the properties of all the signs and how they work in the attached test file.
In reply to Thanks. What does Codeab… by jlp56
You wrote:
What does Codeab mean in the "continue at codeab" above?
It's not "Codeab" nor "codeab". It's "codab", which is the label for the Coda symbol:
For example, if you used a D.S. al Coda. However, you do not have this in your score.
Here's what you did use (from the Repeats & jumps palette)...
1. a 'D.S. al Fine' jump
2. a 'Segno' marker
3. a 'Fine' marker
If you click on the 'D.S. al Fine' jump at the end of your score, the Properties panel shows Jump to 'segno' and Play until 'fine'.
If you click on the Segno marker at measure 40, the Properties panel shows the Label as 'segno'. This label matches the Jump to 'segno' from the D.S. al Fine
If you click on the Fine marker at measure 61, the Properties panel shows the Label as 'fine'. This label matches the Play until 'fine' from the D.S. al Fine.
Look at this picture:
See the matching 'segno' and 'fine' labels?
So, the D.S. al Fine looks for, then jumps to, the matching 'segno' label and then looks for, and plays until, the matching 'fine' label.
In reply to hi, thanks for all your… by jlp56
Thanks thanks thanks for all of you who contributed to this thread. This is amazing!!!
In reply to Thanks thanks thanks for all… by jlp56
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