Maxima notes displaying *behind* staff lines? Help!

• Aug 23, 2023 - 15:39

I am setting some chant music on red staff lines, and the maxima note (used for the reciting note) is rendering as if it sat behind the staff line??
Any tips on how to fix this, short of just bodging it in photoshop?
See attached pic. Thanks!

Attachment Size
Crotch-1.png 76.38 KB


In 3.6.2 there is a "stacking order" number for each element. Elements that have a lower value than the others are behind them. You can edit the value in the inspector. I found the default value 500 for the maxima note - change it to a value greater than 1300 (this seems to be the value of the staff lines), for example 1500. A normal note e.g. has the stacking value 2000.
Probably this works the same way in MuS 4 in the properties window of the maxima note.

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