Trill playback

• Aug 30, 2023 - 23:50

In this score I added a trill (it's for solo organ) and it sounds jagged like a drill. I am not sure why it is doing this. Is there a setting I missed? I really needed it to PDF to the performer but want to also send to my channel as part of my musical CV. Any advice/debugging advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!


Attachment Size
Prelude_in_Eb.mscz 37.77 KB


One workaround is to silence the trill, and then to implement the playback with hidden notes in another stave:

And for future posts, do please help us locate the problem quickly. In this case it would have been helpful to say:
"In this score I added a trill at measure 48"

Attachment Size
Prelude_in_Eb_trill_kludge.mscz 37.97 KB

In reply to by DanielR

Thanks Daniel for the suggestion (I thought I added the MM but I didn't, sorry!). This seems a bit heavy handed to do a regular trill playback. Is there a setting somewhere for trills I can slow it down more easily (would also be complex if the bass staff had notes in it as it would look messy, even if hidden in the published score/PDF. Thanks for your help.

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