Chord labels being cut off

• Mar 27, 2022 - 18:53

I'm trying to input chords in a score and they keep getting cut off e.g. "G#dim" becomes "dim" or if I input the abbreviation "o" for "dim", it becomes just "o". What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.


The thing I know that would cause that is an improperly installed version of MuseScore. In particular, if you tried running a nightly build "exe" file without the rest of the files that go with the installation, or if you tried building MuseScore yourself but either failed to run the install step or are trying to run the copy from the build folder rather than the install folder. Another possibility is if your score specifies a non-standard chord description file in Format / Style / Chord Symbols, but the file is invalid.

If none of that seems like it, please attach your score, and also tell sue what OS, what version of MuseScore, and anything else that seems relevant.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks to you both for your responses. I've now determined that the problem is related to the install of Musecore on one of my computers. On a different computer, the chord entry works like I want it to (I should have thought to check the problem on the second computer before submitting my question). Before submitting to the forum, on the first computer, I had done an Revert to factory settings which didn't affect the problem. Then I uninstalled/reinstalled using the executable on the website (for Windows 64-bit) and the problem still existed. The odd thing I found after doing all that was the previous settings for Folders in Edit/Preferences/General were still what they were previously, referencing a OneDrive folder location, which I subsequently changed to local drive folders. I would have thought that Folders would have been reset by the Revert process. Oh well, I'll give the uninstall another go the problematic computer to see if I can fix the problem there. Otherwise, I'll do the guitar chord entry on the second computer :-).
For reference, both computers are running Musescore 3.6.2; the problematic computer is running Windows 10. The other computer is running Windows 11. Both computers are running 64 bit versions that are up to date with all updates.
Thanks again.

In reply to by jeetee

Hello jeetee. Your message came in while I was in the middle of reinstalling the program on the problem computer. After doing another Revert, uninstall and registry scan for anything Musescore-related, then downloading the current version again, I installed the program and I'm pleased to advise that the problem has disappeared. However, just to close the loop, I had the problem on any Musescore file I created prior to fixing the problem, even just using the template that loads when starting the program. So, the problem was not score-related, it was definitely an installation bug. Thanks for your help.

I'm seeing this truncation of the visible chord symbol using MuseScore version 4.0.2 under windows 11. I have reset the score's style to default - no change. The score in question was created by importing an old MIDI file (if that makes any difference). Strange. If I save the score as a musescore file and re-open it everything now displays correctly.

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