strum pattern for guitar
Hello Musescorers:
I'm a guitarist and am trying to create a score of "comping" a tune. I want to use that slash "/" notation to designate a strum... and can't find it and don't know how to use it in Musescore 4.
I've attached a score I'm working on. You'll see that in meausre 13 I've got a Am11 in beat 1.
I want beats 2, 3, and 4 to be those slash strum notations.
How do I do that, please?
Attachment | Size |
Don't Blame Me- G B D String comp.mscz | 35.32 KB |
Like this? 1Don't Blame Me- G B D String comp.mscz
And what explicite difference between your other post (the attached file is the same) ?
In reply to Like this? [inline:1Don't… by cadiz1
Hello cadiz1,
Thank you for your reply.
You asked, "And what explite difference between your other post (the attached file is the same)?
My reply is: I am not able to find how to do what you did. Could not fina a palate of strum marks in Musescore 4. Using the magnifying glass in Musescore 4 where I searched for "strum marks," "guitar strum," "strum," etc...there were no relevant hits that guided me to understand how to do what you did.
While I'm greatful for your reply, I'd be even more grateful if you'd explain how you did what you did.
Thanks, what I need to know.
Would you kindly provide guidance that could inform me about that, please... for Musescore 4?
Thank you!
In reply to Hello cadiz1, Thank you for… by Old Jimma
"if you'd explain how you did what you did."
Select the measure: Menu "Tools" -> Fill with slashes.
Then hide the undesired rests (voice 1, quarter rest and half rest) and the first slash (voice 2)
In reply to Select the measure: Menu … by cadiz1
Thank you for your clarifiaction, cadiz1!
It seems that it can be important to specify a 2nd voice, as you seem to imply.
I had to go to the "gear" icon, and find "second voice," and click on it. That added a designation in the tool bar that was "q2".
Then, I had to figure out which voice to use to "fill in slashes" from Tools > fill in slashes.
And, even then, I had to be careful about which voice I choose to fill in slashes: one choice put them in the proper place: in the middle of the staff. The other placed the slashes above the staff.
Hope this usefull adds to the discussion.
I'd be grateful for your guidance on this issue.
Thank you,
In reply to Hello cadiz1, Thank you for… by Old Jimma
Maybe this helps a bit for one aspect of the score. I opened the .mscz of Cadiz and selected the /.
In the Status bar appears Note, Pitch: Beat slash;
Then a (Google) search. I type 'musescore beat slash'. The first result guides to
In reply to Maybe this helps a bit for… by [DELETED] 135427
Thanks, Michelon.
I tried that approach, but with Duck Duck Go search and did not get any useful hits.
Greatful for your reply and help,
In reply to Thanks, Michelon. I tried… by Old Jimma
There seems to be another problem: the solution that cadiz1 suggested is generally quite good. However, if you'vw go triplets, the "fill in the slashes" soluiton does not work. That approach ignores the triplet tempo.
Maybe a bug?
Or is there a solution to this?
In reply to There seems to be another… by Old Jimma
This is possible. A bit of work. MU4
1. View>Show>uncheck Show Invisible
2. Fill a measure with slashes.
3. Select the first slash and make it a half note slash.
4. With it still selected, hit CTRL + 3.
5. Add the two quarter notes to finish the triplet.
6. On the left of your screen, select the properties tab.
7. Select the notehead of the first note of the triplet. Select "Appearance" to get to a window that shows different noteheads.
8. select Slash. Do the same for the other two notes.
9. Select in turn each stem and uncheck "Visible" near the top of the properties box.
10. Select and flip the triplet bar.
In reply to This is possible. A bit of… by bobjp
Wow! What a brilliant soluton! Brilliant in it conceptual simplicity in treading slashes as if they are note heads.
Once you've accepted that way of thinking of it, it is easy-peasy!
Congratulations in a remarkably simple solution, bobjp.
My sincere gratitude goes out to you, by friend! C'mon by and have a cuppa coffe sometime, bobjp!
Old from the Older Country
ps. I'm putting this one in my own bag of tricks!!!!
In reply to Wow! What a brilliant… by Old Jimma
Hi bobjp:
It worked one time... and two other times, after making the half note slash, when clicking control 3, nothiing happened: no slash marks.
In reply to Hi bobjp: It worked one time… by Old Jimma
Interesting. I just did it 5 times in a row.
Try it a different way.
Select a slash. Select the second slash from properties. Nothing seems to happen. Select the half note from the tool bar. The slash becomes a diamond. CTRL + 3 that.
In reply to This is possible. A bit of… by bobjp
Works nicely. Thank you!
For the first tripelet, i put in a chord.
However, I cannot find how to put that chord diagram in. Copy and pasting works, but then you've got to change the chord.
Can you suggest how to do that, please.
In reply to Works nicely. Thank you! For… by Old Jimma
Well, I'm just and old folk guitar player. I can't imagine playing a three string Am11 on the 10th fret. So the person that made this sheet music has those diagrams ready to go. I would have to C + P them someplace, do the measure work, then C + P them back.
In reply to Well, I'm just and old folk… by bobjp
Hi bobjp:
You are right, again!
What worked ok for me was just "copy and paste" of stacked notes (chords expressed in the staff), and "copy and paste" of the fingering diagrams, separately.
I thought I should add these issues to this discussion so that folks following this and/or finding the discussion in the future would find guidance on how ta git 'er done.
Am11 on the 10th fret is either ain't worth nothing, or worth getting even with the guy when I play it awful bad.
My claim to fame is that I ran into guy who I realized was a character in "Spanky and the Gang." We sang a chorus of Shanty Town together 'acopulco,' together. 'Twas the highlight of my musical career.... that ended when the song ended.
In reply to Hi bobjp: You are right,… by Old Jimma
As I see it, the world is full of exceptional and un-exceptional musicians. I am a proud member of the very important latter group. We are the ones that make the former group look as good as they do.
The only claim I have is that I built, from scratch, the acoustic guitar that I try to play.
In reply to As I see it, the world is… by bobjp
Those are notable attributed. I'm just a guitar owner.