Space between lyrics words
There is too little space between some of my adjacent lyrics words.
Isn't there a way to set a minimum space?
There is too little space between some of my adjacent lyrics words.
Isn't there a way to set a minimum space?
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MuseScore does its best to space correctly, but I agree that sometimes the spacing is too tight.
I get round this on individual words by adding "Ctrl+Space" at the end of a word. I don't know of any global setting in MuseScore to set the spacing more loosely.
In reply to MuseScore does its best to by DanielR
This tip just changed my entire workflow! Thank you!
For Mac users, the keyboard shortcut is "optn/alt + space."
In reply to MuseScore does its best to by DanielR
Thank you so much! I used to be able to add extra space in the previous version 2 by hitting TAB key, but it didn't work with the latest version 3. I tried Ctrl+Space and it worked perfectly!
in Style → General style... → Measure, try to increase the note-to-note distance
In reply to in Style â General style... by Jojo-Schmitz
"Ctrl+Space" works well in my situation.
I didn't know about it.
The minimum note distance parameter mentioned above also controls minimum lyric distance, so that is indeed one option. Not great if your score contains a mix of instrumental and vocal music and you don't really want to increase the minimum distance globally. Increasing stretch in the measures with the problem is probably the next best way to go aside from manually adding space to individual syllables.
The next major version of MuseScore will include some additional controls that may be helpful, in particular an option to force enough space between hyphenated words so that the hyphen is always displayed.
In Musescore 4, go to format, style, lyrics (if you find it hard to see hit the letter l on your keyboard), and then increase the minimum distance until you're satisfied.
In reply to In Musescore 4, go to format… by My Heart Belon…
Absolutely correct: Format > Style > Lyrics > Lyrics Text > Min.distance
Increasing the "Min. distance" value can make the lyrics easier to read:
But Marc Sabatella makes a great point earlier in this thread:
"... Not great if your score contains a mix of instrumental and vocal music and you don't really want to increase the minimum distance globally."
In reply to Absolutely correct: Format >… by DanielR
Does anyone else feel that the factory default is far too small though? I find I have to adjust it significantly, esp. for lead sheets (with otherwise default settings).
In reply to Does anyone else feel that… by Dylan Nicholson1
Definitely. I'm in a lead sheet myself. The default is 0.25, but 0.65 feels like the bare minimum spacing, at least with the default Edwin font.
In reply to Absolutely correct: Format >… by DanielR
Can this style be applied locally, or is it the whole score or nothing?
In reply to Can this style be applied… by mikey12045
Whole score or you can adjust individual notes as you like of course.
In reply to Absolutely correct: Format >… by DanielR
Marc made that point in 2016 in reference to the note-spacing control. Now that there is independent lyric-spacing, instrumental passages should be unaffected.When I tested just now, an increase in lyric-spacing had no effect in the areas where I hadn’t yet added lyrics.
But thanks to MHBtD and DanielR. This is exactly the feature I went hunting for and couldn’t find.
select the word and drag. it is as simple as that